
7 1 2

I start to write. Nothing important but just. Something simple. I felt no need to write anything interesting.

All I wrote was:
Um hi. Not much to say just hi.

And I placed my pen down on the now shut book. My eyes became heavy. I fall into bed. I'm asleep already.

When I wake-up I check my phone. 3:56am. Wow. Um shit ok. I look to see if I have any messages. Nothing. I look through TikTok for a while. I look through Instagram just normal stuff.

I look over to my book. To hear. Writing. Something writing in my book. Like the pen it's moving I can see it. I'm going mad. Karl keep yourself together just go back to sleep.

But instead i walk. I walk over to the book. Words actual words that I didn't write. Lay on the page. Something so simple but so extraordinary. Just a simple...
Hi what's going on?

I pick up my pen and the book as I walk over to me bed. I sit there looking at the page.
I'm not sure really.

I stare at the book. My pen starts to write again.
Why is the pen moving?

I stare at the book. What is happening? I don't understand.

Maybe it's like we can see what each other are writing? And it's a weird glitch in the system!

Oh maybe well I'm Nick but my friends call me sapnap or sap.

Ok swag! I'm Karl :)

What year are you in, Karl?

2022 um why?

You're lying... it's 1982, Karl.

I sit there. On my bed. Starstruck on what just happened. I decided to put my book and pen back on my desk. I'll deal with that later today.

And later today arrives. I've got to deal with this shitty world once again. How fun. I check the date and time. Tuesday, 11:34pm. Ok so I didn't wake-up that late it's ok. And I'm glad I take mental health days off other wise I'd be crying on my floor begging to not go to school to people who don't understand how I feel.

I guess I have to find out of I was going mad or if the book thing really happened.
Like everything was there. All the words everything. Still there. Laying on the page. Waiting to be read once more.

I can't believe it. It actually happened? Like really... wow- I can't believe that... I really can't...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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