Hes a friend my best friend

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steven- but still bring him tell him to bring his girlfriend too so we can all talk and hang out catch up on lost time? even your mom and dad?

cecelia- one thing at a time i havent seen them for a while so let me fix that ok? i love you?

steven- yea i understand .. i love you too be safe please

cecelia- i will

she packed up her things and left the next morning ..

bertha: someone just parked outside go check maybe its a delivery go juan!

juan: your seriously making me go when your right here? by the door?

bertha: just go before the dogs bite them andale

he opened the door and saw his babygirl standing there

cecelia: hi? haha miss me?

he didnt say a word he walked up to her and hugged her

juan: my babygirl my angel mi vida haha

she hugged him tight

bertha: cece!!

she laughed as her mom ran to her and hugged her also

cecelia: there going to call the cops dont yell

juan: i wish the fuck they would haha but mamas? .. im sorry

cecelia: let it be dad its ok im here

he nodded and hugged her

bertha: Marc told me Sunday? I thought you said to?

Juan: you talked to her and didn't tell me?

Bertha: you never listen anyways come inside baby I got dinner almost done

She laughed as her dad hugged her again .. they walked inside

Cecelia: Johnny isn't home?

Juan: Marc didn't tell you he moved in with his baby moms?

Cecelia: he had a kid?! No one considered telling me?!

Juan: haha I'm kidding he's at work he'll be home in a bit text Marc though he's with his homies

He sat down next to her at the table and hugged her

Cecelia: dad you ok?

Juan: I thought I lost you forever.. all I had was pictures of you and your old room is still there I missed you my only girl

She didn't say anything

Juan: so where's your husband?

Cecelia: dad he has a name

Juan: I know I just don't like saying it where's he at?

Bertha: mija I told you

She said as she served her a plate

Cecelia: it's been over a year dad

Juan: yea don't change a thing so?

Cecelia: he's out of state working he picked up an extended contract too

Bertha: you didn't tell me that?

Cecelia: yea he did so I just been working at the salon staying busy while he's gone most of the time

Juan: you look so happy saying that haha

Bertha: shut up Juan

They heard the door open

DECEPTION.  {completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora