She wants me

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she went out to lunch with her mom ..

bertha: huh i missed our girl time are you ok though?

cecelia: yes dont worry but i missed this too you have to come out mom ill cook us dinner do something like that?

bertha: ofcourse mami i will ill bring your dad take him out of the hood you know him and plus stevens out of town most of the time

cecelia: mom come on

bertha: i was caring before and giving him the second chance but after yesterday i dont know itll take time but ill work on it

she nodded

bertha: i know they grilled you about ismael i wont

cecelia: dont worry about that just homies like always im the one that got away and its on him mom

bertha: true it is i dont know if steven is any better though i just want you happy

cecelia: i am happy but izzy huh

bertha: mm i knew it dont play with fire cecelia its dangerous you will get burned

cecelia: i know i will its just hard alot of thinking to do ya know

they talked for a bit and she hit the road she got home cleaned as fast as she could .. she heard the garage door open .. she ran out to him he got out and hugged her

cecelia: it feels like i havent seen you in forever huh

he hugged her tight

steven: im sorry babe i am i was worried i didnt mean to cause problems?

cecelia: its ok theyll get over it later on im just glad your home in one piece

steven: yea that should be fun i wanted to invite them over to eat and hang out but yea

cecelia: let it be itll be ok

he stepped back and opened his backdoor and pulled out a bear and flowers

steven: a im sorry gift?

she smiled and took them

cecelia: your forgiven haha

steven: the next gift ill give it to you over dinner go get ready

cecelia: no i want it now? i hate waiting? what is it?

steven: you'll see now go haha

she kissed him and went upstairs and got ready ..

steven: this is a new place that i know you'll love

cecelia: it doesnt have to be all that babe im happy with in and out?

steven: im not wearing my rolaex for in an out burgers

she shook her head as he drove she checked her phone he over looked

cecelia: everything ok?

steven: yea so hows your brothers? hows everyone?

cecelia: good doing them being crazies the usual

steven: and your best friend whats his name again?

cecelia: ismael or izzy hes good hasnt changed either well he has but good too

steven: when are they coming over? next week i have a longer week ?

she shook her head

steven: what you dont want them to come over?

cecelia: no i do and they are marc just told me not to say anything he wanted to show up unannounced just like your mom did

steven looked at her serious as he parked

cecelia: she said some things and they said somethings .. ill defend my parents no matter what that didnt have to happen and he sees it the same theyll be coming tomorrow johnny and marc he said dont cook dinner

steven: yea i deserve that i do

cecelia: yea and i havent even tried to call your mom im not im embarrassed

she shook her head and got down

steven: she went to check on you

cecelia: yea right check if i was up to dumb shit when i wasnt and i told you where i was and that my phone was dying on me

he looked at her crazy

cecelia: sorry i was hanging out way to much with my brothers and dad haha

steven: im sorry iam my mom wont say a think i promise but here

he opened the trunk there was a chanel shopping bag and gucci

cecelia: whats this?

steven: an im sorry and celebration gift?

she side smiled at him and hugged him

steven: its only a year i wanna save this money and then we can start our family

she looked up at him

cecelia: wait we talked about starting this year? you said last year only a year?

steven: i did but babe more money is better?

cecelia: yea but what if you get a better contract and you take it up then what? another year and another?

steven: i dont see anything else happening

cecelia nodded

cecelia: i took out my birth control for nothing seriously and i hate taking the pill to made me gain weight this is your fault

steven: then stop taking it itll be ok if it happens then it does if it doesnt then we got time?

cecelia: well your right on that i will haha but thank you for the gifts i cant wait to open them

he nodded as they walked into the restaurant

ismael: she didnt invite i aint going

marc: no im inviting you so your going

ismael: she was mad leaving why would i go? come on?

marc: because your the best friend and she might need a laugh and also you'd be the one to calm us down im pissed at the motherfucker and im done being quiet about it

ismael: what makes you think ill be the middle man ill be the one to talk shit to ill want him to know im a threat shit

marc: haha you want him to?

ismael: in a way yea but then i dont but then i did tell her to leave to let shit it be like it was ill disappear again and she said she didnt want that she wanted me around so

marc: yea i get you i would wanna do that to .. i want you to come so you can see her but at the same time we cant cause drama in her own home thats her home where she lives with him so be nice be a homie that way if shit happens she'll run to you

ismael: pues

marc: come on fool

ismael: aight im down fuck it im gonna go dressed decked out though see what she does

marc: do it haha i wanna see haha

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