Always did always will

36 8 1

steven: cecelia?

cecelia: i shouldve never made the move with you i shouldve ended our marriage the moment the thought came into my mind .. i should've but i didnt i dont know why but huh

steven: so with him?

she looked back at ismael as he got off the car and nodded

steven: since when haw? how? the fuck?

ismael: ay its all me man this ain't all her fault calm down

he walked up and pulled cecelia back but steven pulled her by her arm hard

cecelia: steven stop ok im sorry

ismael: i made the first move and pushed it .. and well i knew she didnt love you i knew she wasn't happy being trapped up in that house shes happier now at home shit with me? why dont you just move the fuck along shit let her be?

steven: i spent 5 years with her and one married i .. i

cecelia: im sorry steven I am but whats done is done .. im sorry i hurt you that i went behind your back but i dont regret any of it

steven: how cant you? what are you proud of yourself? you broke our marriage? after everything we've done to come together and try for a family? 

cecelia: not proud of the moves but I am proud of the outcome

steven: how can you be so fucking proud of yourself haw? you dont hear yourself!

ismael stepped up mad making her brothers do the same

cecelia: i do hear myself and .. i feel like if i didnt accept that lunch that day he came to visit me for the first time after all those years i wouldn't have gotten my family back .. i wouldn't have gotten my blessing..

steven: blessing? are you?

she nodded

cecelia: im 15 weeks pregnant i found out last week that it wasn't food poisoning the night i left you i went to CVS and we took the test

steven: how do you know im not the father haw how do you know

ismael laughed pissing off steven

steven: your so fucking full of yourself go to fucking hell you think im gonna give her the divorce now? haw shes not getting nothing you'll never get to marry her i wont fucking allow it! that can be my child!!

ismael: calm the fuck down first of all dont fucking yell at me alright? man dont give her the fucking divorce shit dont fucking matter shes still with me ill love her like you never did and i know for a fact this lil one ain't yours

cecelia stepped back and shook her head

cecelia: im not going to stress over this do what you want say what you want im done i cheated on you been cheating on you for over 3 months .. since the day he walked back into my life is the day my heart changed shit i dont think i ever loved you i was masking something else ok? there you fucking happy? go do whatever keep it all here's your ring to

she threw it at him and went back to her brothers

marc: you talk shit on my sister im coming for your fucking throat

johnny: im off probation motherfucker haha

marc hugged cecelia ..

cecelia: babe lets go please!

he looked back at her and nodded then looked at steven ..

ismael: im sorry .. but you took her for granted shes in better hands

ismael glared at him up and down and walked away .. steven stood there in shock of it all

cecelia: lets go

they got in the car and drove off .. she broke down crying

johnny: izzy turn back around

cecelia: no! dont leave him alone i just want this over with .. please.. i still feel bad hes a human he has a heart he loved me he cared but huh

they got back to ismaels she got off and ran to the room

marc: i got his plates and everything i will pass it on to the big homies to keep an eye on him

johnny: im not saying baby ain't yours  but i would sit down and do math with her just in case to he ain't gonna let down on it i can tell

marc looked at his phone

marc: yea he ain't .. crazy ex anyone?

ismael took out the spare phone

steven- i loved you i gave my life to you i signed those papers our vows yea it was not the way we imagined and im sorry i hurt you but for you to go this low?

ismael turned the phone off

ismael: i got her tell your mom shes with me dont tell her about what happened ok?

they nodded and went there ways he went inside she was laying down ..

cecelia: i need a new phone and number .. his mom and sister got ear of it

he walked up and took her phone

cecelia: dont look at it it'll make you mad .. and this is your baby its not his so dont go thinking

ismael: who said i was? but are you serious though?

cecelia: serious about?

ismael: yall didnt do anything since me and you i guess got together cuz we didnt fuck for a bit?

cecelia: well i guess once but he was really stuck on us not having kids for a bit longer so you know he didnt finish like that .. but you did haha

ismael: well you didnt stop me? and i asked you too

cecelia: i know i didnt want you to stop haha it wont be hard to tell who the daddy is hes white and your

ismael: im what?

he said as she got up and walked up to him

cecelia: tall dark pelon my pelon .. threw all this bull and arguing im not gonna lie it was worth it i just wish it would've happened early on could've avoided all this but you

he laughed and hugged her

ismael: i fucking love you always have always will ill do anything to call you my wife

she smiled and kissed him

cecelia: i love you too

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