Take your mother to therapy

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steven: what do i see in her? i love her for her shes funny and caring and does it all for me and here I am doubting her when shes never doubted me traveling to all these states never yelled at me asking me if im cheating just like dad did on you all those years .. your no one to talk leave me and my wife alone

ashley: cant wait to tell i told you so

he rolled his eyes and left .. she was home already cleaning up unpacking everything when he got home .. she was nervous but she knew she had to take care of it

she walked downstairs as he walked in from the garage he put his things down and hugged her

cecelia: whats wrong?

steven: i haven't seen you in days i cant hug you?

she stepped back and looked at him confused

cecelia: well after the last couple days?

steven: i know and im sorry it was all so fucking stupid im over it please can we just move on? i know i fucked up with this contract but i miss us i miss spending time with you i miss us ok? i love you and babe please?

she saw it in his eyes .. the guilt kicked in hard

cecelia: im tired of being made fun of and attacked by your family i been belittled so much this weekend my brothers and best friend shouldn't have to come to my defense anymore im done im tired of this shit

steven: Ashley told me about some messages at a party and then showed me the video of that night i can see your brothers weren't in the car but im not going to even worry about it im not cuz then it'll lead to something else

cecelia: the party thing was all a lie that friend she messaged told ismael he didnt wanna call you or say anything so he told her to make some shit up to piss Ashely off and yea my brothers weren't in the car i lied about it to

steven: why would you lie?

cecelia: because i was done arguing about it izzy is izzy hes not going anywhere and i can hug him if i want im married to you ok? im not married to your fucking family they dont deserve my respect and you dont have to respect mine either i get it they dont want you around like yours doesn't want me there you fucking happy?

steven: i came home wanting peace i was over there fighting for us fighting them to leave you alone its our marriage i wanna fix this? we can go see a therapist we can do something im home for the week call off lets go on vacation do something?

he tried to get closer to her but she stepped back

steven: cecelia?

cecelia: no no i dont wanna go nowhere i just wanna be left alone ok just let me be please its been fucking hard for me mentally im fucking tired i literally got to my parents walked in and cried in my dads arms thats how fucking tired I am of this you dont get to just randomly defend me then come home thinking ill be like aww babe where was that last week or this whole fucking marriage? and therapy? haw take your mother to fucking therapy first

she went back upstairs and got ready for bed he followed her

steven: whats the point of even being married

she froze and turned to him

cecelia: right what is the point

she got into bed

steven: then do you want a divorce then is that what your asking for so you can run off with ismael? is that where the attitudes coming from? is that it!!

she laughed and looked at him

cecelia: your gone how much? you dont think i could've been with him already? he could be coming over here dont you fucking think? this weekend i could've been at his house with him? you dont think i would've left you the first chance i had when he popped back up?

he stood back

cecelia: leave me alone believe what you want i have work in the morning

steven: let me see your texts with him then i wanna see what you guys talk about

she laughed and showed him her phone

cecelia: we dont text see? wanna see my brothers texts to? my coworkers texts??

he shook his head

cecelia: i need a break thats what i need im done talking about marriage im just done im tired

steven: ill let you be then

cecelia: ok night

he nodded and went downstairs and ate she made sure he was downstairs and looked at her other phone

ismael- yvette said ashley texted her again asking for more info on me so i told her to send my record over i want him to hate me at this point you ok?

cecelia- im fine he came all calm trying to be peaceful but im not gonna brush it over i cant? he turned on to you but i turned it back

ismael- did you say anything about a break or?

cecelia- i did but he didnt say much i dont know how to even go about it cuz hes off for a week to

ismael- fuck so i dont get to see you for a week babygirl? i already miss you?

cecelia- maybe i dont know babe but i miss you too this isn't home when hes home

ismael- if your happier with me why dont you just come be with me tell him babygirl?

cecelia- i wish it it was that easy

ismael- how isn't it easy cecelia come on?

she didnt reply annoying him ..

yvete: are yall together?

ismael looked at her she laughed

ismael: yea we are together .. trying to figure the fuck out how to get her to leave him though he treats her like shit yea he has money but he ain't me shit

yvette: want me to start some rumors tell his sister to pay up and give up yall are together?

he looked at her and laughed

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