CHP 2: first meeting.

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Is the Traveler here?

Well, I mean.. the Traveler could be here. Maybe I woke up not long after they woke up. But that's a low possibility.

I walked forward, and my eyes landed on something that was yellow, and next to it was something white? Both colours easily stood out from the greenery. I slowly walked towards it, not daring to make noise just incase. As I got closer, I realised.

Thats the Traveler and Paimon! No mistake! Traveler's blonde and Paimon's hair is white! No doubt it's them! What are they doing??


Talk to the Traveler and Paimon.

Reward: 500 coins
Failure: ---

Wh?! Side task?! And how am I supposed to talk to them? I'm way too introverted.

The sudden roar from Dvalin tore my thoughts, and I stared infront. Ah! This is the scene where Traveler and Paimon met Venti!! Where's Venti?

I walked towards Dvalin, which I got much closer to the scene, and I was right behind Traveler. Traveler and Paimon didn't seem to realise I was here.

"Who's there?!" That was clearly Venti's voice, I could tell. Venti looked around for abit before vanishing to god knows where. Dvalin flew away too.

"Paimon almost got flown away! Luckily Paimon grabbed hold of your hair, hehehe." Paimon said in a cheeky voice, traveler just gave a judging stare. It seems they havent realised that I'm standing right behind them.

"Hey, what's that shining red rock there? Let's go take a closer look! Careful though, Paimon doesn't have a closer look about this." Paimon said. I looked over and saw that it was the crystal that traveler had purified and used on a wooden lyre later on in the game, during one of the beginner quests.

I've got an idea.

I ran faster than traveler and Paimon to the shiny red crystal and jumped to grab it. "Who are you?!" Paimon shrieked, traveler pulled out their sword and pointed it to me.

"Relax, I'm not an enemy. I'm a traveler, like you." I replied, in a calm voice, I had to stay calm. I looked down on the both of them as I was standing on a rock.

"How do you know that they're a traveler?!" Paimon replied instantly. Shit. How was I supposed to respond to that? Lying isn't that bad, ri-


500 coins have been given. You can now access the Outlander's Shop.

Really...? Did this have to appear at this time?

"Well, their clothes are different." I responded, keeping my calm composure. I then tossed the red crystal to the traveler. Paimon stared at me with suspicion.

"If you're headed to Mondstadt, I know the way. Just follow" I said to break the silence. Paimon and Traveler looked at each other and nodded.


I walked infront while the other two followed behind, I could hear Paimon whispering to Traveler from the front, geez.

While walking, I remembered the pop up I got when I had completed the Side Task. It mentioned something about.. Outlander's Shop?

The moment I said those two words in my mind, a pop up appeared.


strength lvl 1 - lvl 2 (500 coins)
agility lvl 1 - lvl 2 (500 coins)
defence lvl 1 - lvl 2 (500 coins)
buy armour (200 coins)
weapon upgrade (500 coins)


I stared at the screen infront of me.
What... Is this? A shop? I've never seen this in genshin. Huh. I won't buy anything till I need something.

"Hey! Its Mondstadt!" Paimon said from the back.

I looked up, and saw Mondstadt's tall windmills, the castle-like structure, and its beautiful lake surrounding it.


You have reached Mondstadt. Please go to Mondstadt for more tasks.

1000 coins have been given.

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