Chapter 5

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Hey y'all, I've included a song that I feel fits the particular vibes of this chapter. And I'm just gonna let y'all know right now that this chapter contains graphic depictions of death!✨ So proceed at your own caution! Enjoy!


Gyutaro laid nearly restless in his shared bed with Daki. Still tossing and turning as his thoughts were clouded by images of his encounter with you earlier. He poured himself into every word you had said, wondering if they were real and meant what he had hoped to be true for so long now; only to doubt himself immediately after. He was reading too much into it, he'd tell himself.

This could all be nothing after all. Just one giant whopping coincidence. And he was likely a fool for getting his hopes up over something that was deemed "impossible."

But then again, didn't he used to think demons were "impossible" too? Now here he was, the embodiment of a mere "story" people tell their children about to make them behave. So why would the idea of reincarnation be only a pipe dream?

Eventually, sleep found the troubled demon and like always in recent days, he had a dream.


A warm breeze was at Gyutaro's back but a wetness encased his legs, the loud humming of cicadas filled his ears as well as the sound of steady flowing water. It must be summer time he guessed.

Once his vision cleared he could see that his assumption was correct and the sight of the river sourced the sounds of water. It was the three of them again; himself, his kid sister, and Yuna. All of them sitting along the river side with himself in the middle, legs dangling into the cooled water.

It looked as though the sun was just about to set, a beautiful sight really, perhaps that's what they had all come to watch. Well, maybe for the elder two, but Ume seemed to be interested in even prettier things.

"Look! I can see myself!" She chimed, enthralled by her reflection that was somewhat visible through the steady and sure flow of the river.

"Heheh, I can too." Beamed Yuna.

Gyutaro glances to his own reflection only to grimace at the sight of himself. His blotted and ugly complexion still visible to him even through the darkened water. The young boy had not yet found pride in his shocking appearance that would one day strike fear into the hearts of men.

One glimpse and the urge to bury himself somewhere deep in the ground was overwhelming. Where no one and nothing, including himself, would ever be able to look at his hideous face again. No one to remind him of how disgusting and worthless he was. He'd stay buried in that dirt forever if he could.

His body moved on its own as he retracted from the water, standing up to move a few feet back.

"Gyu-Chan?" Yuna called over her shoulder after him, confusion and concern peppered in her tone.

"I'm fine, my feet are just getting waterlogged." He quickly lied.

But by Yuna's expression, she didn't buy it. And as usual, Ume was oblivious to all around her. Far too absorbed in her own little world that spun on her own terms.

"Where are the fireflies?! You said there would be fireflies tonight, Yu-Chan!!" Ume fussed.

"I said I think there would be fireflies tonight. The sun hasn't even gone down yet, Ume-Chan." Yuna reasoned back calmly, deciding to leave Gyutaro be for now.

"I'm tired of waiting! I wanna see them NOW!" Ume griped impatiently.

"Oh come on, you know they have to wait for it to get dark so they can glow better! They're still getting ready for us, so let's play in the water some huh?" Yuna tried her best to pacify the bratty little girl before slipping in about waist deep into the river.

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