Chapter 6

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I'm not gonna say what and ruin the surprise but you finna be BRUTALIZED and you have been warned!

But haiiiii guys! I'm super excited to leave you this chapter! Alright, we'll catch up in the end notes svwjsvoqbwos


"Oh! Hello sir, it's so good to see you agai-" You heard the house madames voice from your room before another familiar voice interrupted.

"Same girl. Same deal." The males scratchy tone cut off rudely.

"You want the same one? Sir we do have other girls if you'd be inter- Wait! You can't just-!"

The paper door to your room slams open to reveal the same "ugly guy" from the night before. You knew it was him from the moment you heard his voice; you knew that he said he'd come back. Yet somehow you were still shocked, you didn't think it would be this soon.

Though he was displeased to see your pretty face painted up like a whore's once again. Gyutaro seemed to lax slightly at the sight of you, relieved to see that you were alright and not a mangled bloody mess. But his muscles tensed once he caught a whiff of something rather...troubling.

"Leave us." He told the house madame before tossing a satchel of coins into her and shutting the door in her face.

You were nervous to say the least, your last encounter with him was less than favorable and he was already proving himself to not be in chipper spirits. You couldn't muster so much as a greeting as you sat in your spot quaking from the furious look on his face.

"What did I fucking tell you about wearing that perfume?" He seethed through grit teeth.

Your eyes widened in realization as fear punched through you; you were wearing that same wisteria fragrance you had lost. Someone else in the house happened to find it in the trash and returned it to you. You didn't have a clue how it would've gotten there, you were just so happy to have it back that you had forgotten your customers instructions from last night.

"I'm sorry, I-" Was all you could get out.

"WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU?!" He roared at you, making tears well in your eyes as you cowered in fear from his boiling rage.

"What the fuck are you waiting for?! Take off your clothes and get it OFF!!" He drones like a drill sergeant.

You were able to break through your fear just enough to do what you were told, more afraid of what he'd do if you hesitated any longer. You grabbed the wash basin in your room, fumbling fingers moving to untie your obi in a jittery rush.

This was insanity, how could someone hate a scent this much? Such a flat out overreaction this was. It wasn't even strong, how could he smell it from the door like that?

Your muscles strained taut as your kimono slipped off your shoulders, leaving you bare in front of him. You were used to being naked in front of strangers, it's all part of the job after all. But this was different.

Your hands trembled around the cloth you held as you washed your skin off, trying to rid yourself of the damned perfume. You tried not to look at him, but you knew he was looking at you from the weight you could feel off his pressurizing gaze.

Just as you had suspected, Gyutaro was indeed staring at you. Each of your movements not escaping him. Demons didn't have to blink, you know.

But his observation wasn't that of a simple lecher. No, he stood there examining you like a jeweler would appraise a diamond. Meticulously analyzing each curve of you, checking for any blemishes in his recovered gem, anything that would differ from his Yuna. Anything that would make you a "fake." But he could find nothing. Just as the treasure in the river had been; you were perfect.

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