[1] tony's birthday

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In which Tony Stark's fellow Avengers plan a surprise party for him, only for it to go horribly wrong... or does it?


"Where are the balloons?" Bruce asked the team, looking around the room they were currently in. "Remember, Tony likes the red and gold ones!"

From the other side of the room, Steve looked up from the box him and Clint were rummaging through. "Nat sent Thor to get them." he replied, as Clint laughed at the look on Bruce's face.

"Nat, why would you do that? You know that guy gets so distracted right?" Bruce asked wearily, rubbing his eyes. 

Natasha shrugged with a small smile. "Don't worry Bruce. He'll come back soon enough."

"He better." Clint piped up, swatting Steve's hand away as they picked through Tony's old pictures and memorabilia to use.

Tony Stark's birthday was coming up, and of course The Avengers had immediately hopped onto the party train to plan a extravagant party for their best friend. On this fine spring day, a couple of days before the party was supposed to take place, the team was putting the finishing touches on their handiwork and trying their best to not make Tony suspicious. 

The birthday boy himself was currently in Malibu, attending an arduous press tour, set to arrive back in New York an hour before his party. Everything was going smoothly and nothing would ruin this occasion.....yet.

Suddenly, Thor burst through the door clutching newly blown-up balloons.

"It's about time." Steve said, walking over to the god and relieving him of the balloons.

He walked over to the corner of the room to put them up as Thor collapsed on the couch. 

"Is everything alright Thor?" Bruce asked, sitting next to his taller friend while Natasha called the local bakery to see if Tony's cake was ready and Clint abandoned the box to assist Steve.

"Oh, I am fine." Thor said, smiling at Bruce. "Stark called while I was leaving the shop. He asked what I was doing and I couldn't respond with "I am fetching balloons for your surprise birthday party because Romanoff is too in over her head to get them herself."

"Watch your mouth buddy!" Natasha playfully threatened, her phone pressed to her ear, taking a picture of Tony and Rhodey out of the box.

"Well." Bruce said, running a hand through his hair. "When Tony's at this banger of a party we have busted our butts planning, he'll be too drunk to remember any of this." 

"Preach!" Clint said from the corner. Steve turned towards Natasha, attaching a balloon to one of the lamps in the room. "Nat, is the cake ready?" 

"Yep, I'll go pick it up right now. I also finished up this little pile you guys had going on. We've got lots of material to make a little collage of photos for Tony."

"Great." Thor said. "Then we'll be done!" 

"Thank god." Steve said with a sigh, sitting down on the same couch as Bruce and Thor. "I am way too tired to  continue this much longer."

"I thought you weren't religious, Steve." Clint said slyly, helping Natasha put the box of old photos and such away.

"Shut it Barton."

Everyone laughed, glad that finally everything was almost finished.


timeskip - morning of the party

Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Thor all stood back to admire everything they had done since the crack of dawn. They decided to set up the party in one of the huge rooms in Avengers Tower, and everything looked amazing.

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