[6] 'tis the season to be jolly

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In which the Avengers celebrate a very special Christmas...


The Avengers Compound was now filled with colourful decor, the smell of baked treats, and the sound of carols played through the speakers.  Christmas was finally here, and even though Tony had insisted on making everything perfect, there were two people planning something disastrous.

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Mr. Loki?" Peter asked tentatively while him and the god of mischief crouched behind the elaborate Christmas tree, discussing their plans.

"Yes! My brother has been quite foolish to invite me to your holiday charades, so I must plan one of my own. You are my accomplice." Loki responded, smirking.

Natasha poked her head into the room and spotted Loki's foot sticking out below a candy cane ornament. "Hey! You two better be putting up ornaments, or I will come over there and do unspeakable things."

Loki fought the urge to burst out laughing, but Peter quickly responded. 

"It's okay, Nat! We're just putting back this Santa ornament that fell."

Natasha sighed. "Okay then. Try not to make any more fall, Pete."

"NAT, THOR'S EATING THE CANDY CANES!" Scott yelled from the kitchen.

Natasha rolled her eyes and left the room. 

"Alright, what's the plan again?" Peter asked, shifting slightly to face Loki. 

"Dr. Banner and Mrs. Maximoff are going to go to the town bakery and pick up a Christmas cake, and when they are waiting in line to pick up the cake, I'm going to pretend to be a helpless citizen and say a man stole my wallet. While they help me, you must sneak in and grab the cake. We'll meet at the back entrance of the Compound and light the cake on fire! It's a wonderful plan." Loki rubbed his hands together manically, obviously ready to start his plan.

Peter raised his eyebrows. "We're just going to steal and destroy the cake? No offence, but that seems lame." 

"So what do you suggest we do, Spider child?" Loki asked, the look on his face giving away that he had taken lots of offence from Peter's disagreement with what he thought was a great plan.

"Go after something big." Peter looked around the room as if an idea would pop out of nowhere. His eyes landed on the gifts just a few feet away from them. 

"Are you saying... that we should swap the gifts with ones that are bad?" Loki asked, watching Peter scrutinize the gifts with a concentrated look.

Peter frowned. "I was formulating a plan on how we could steal em', but yeah, I like that idea. I know that Mr. Stark got Nat her favourite motorcycle magazines but we could swap them with those PowerLady comics she hates!"

"And my brother got Mr. Lang a new drum set that we can swap with bug spray!" 

"Aunt May got Mrs. Maximoff a new dress, but we should replace those with a therapist's gift card!"

"Mr. Banner's lab equipment can be switched with foot wash and a calming CD!"

"Sam got Mr. Stark a book on quantum physics that we can replace with a Hannah Montana t-shirt! Mr. Stark hates that show!"

"What in gods name is Hannah Montana?" Loki asked disgustedly.

"It's a human thing. You wouldn't get it." Peter laughed.

 Both of the pranksters got out from behind the tree and sat on the couch, satisfied with their shenanigans. 

"I've got to say, Parker. You are one clever child." Loki remarked, watching Scott and Thor argue over the candy canes while Natasha and Steve tried to stop them.

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