[5] shots fired

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In which a web-slinging superhero has to experience a school shooting.....

CONTENT WARNING: school shooting


Peter Parker was in the bathroom when he heard the gunshots. Students' screams filled the halls and the piercing lockdown alarm blazed a hole of panic and fear into the brown-haired boy.

Quickly turning off the sink tap, he rushed into one of the stalls and slammed it shut. Almost dropping his phone into the toilet, he shut the lid and climbed on top of it, ducking so his head wouldn't be seen.

His spider senses bombarded his brain, and Peter slapped his hands over his ears. Painful thoughts filled his head. Who was shooting innocent kids? How did they get in? Did MJ and Ned get shot? Am I going to get shot? Am I going to die?

Trying to calm down, Peter pulled out his phone and clicked on his news app.

"Midtown High School has been breached by an active shooter, now identified as James Written, a convict the NYPD has been tracking for 3 years. NYPD Commissioner Lionel Collins says that backup is on the way and that all students and staff need to remain calm and hide."

Peter ran a hand through his hair, visibly shaking. There was only one shooter, but one shooter can do a lot of damage...

Suddenly, there was another gunshot, this one more audible than before. The shooter was close, and Peter immediately scrunched up. His heart beating fast, he tried his best not to be seen as a person entered the bathroom. He could tell by the heavy footfalls of the boots they must've been wearing.

Through the crack between the stall door and the wall of the stall next to him, he saw a bit of curly brown hair and a piece of paper stuck in a bag.

Wait. There was only one person who had curly brown hair, liked to draw, and had decided to wear black boots that day.

"Babe?" Peter unlocked the stall door to see MJ, just about to open the stall next to him, her eyes wide with panic.

"Pete? Oh my god, I thought you were still out there somewhere!" MJ hugged him, tighter than she'd ever done before. 

"We need to hide, lets go into the big stall."

Grabbing his girlfriend's hand, both Peter and MJ ran into the biggest stall in the bathroom and backed up against the wall, covering their feet with toilet paper that some lousy student had discarded on the floor. It was probably disgusting but both teenagers were scared out of their minds as more screaming and gunshots were to be heard outside their hiding place.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did you see Ned?" 

A million questions raced through Peter's mind, and he wanted to ask MJ everything except she had covered his mouth with her hand.

"Shush. If you're too loud, the guy could find us. I saw him, he shot my friend Claudia."

Tears ran from MJ's eyes and Peter pulled her to his side, stroking her hair. He knew this was the easiest way to comfort MJ and the girl was clearly distraught.

"We were leaving art class when the alarm sounded and the guy was in the hallway. I tried to grab her and hide somewhere but her little brother was down the hall in Geography and she wanted to see if he was okay. I couldn't leave her but I started running away and he fired his gun."

Peter frowned, his whole body shaking like a leaf. A student had been shot. Who else had also met this terrible fate?

"MJ, it'll all be okay. The police will be here soon and they'll bring ambulances. Claudia will be fine, they can fix her up." Peter reassured, squeezing MJ's hand in a show of comfort.

"He shot her in the heart, Peter. I saw it, there was so much blood." MJ covered her own mouth, and strangled sobs threatened to escape.

Peter held her to his chest and rocked her back and forth as more gunshots sounded outside the stall door. 

"It's okay. Your safe with me, Michelle."

The shooter was eventually arrested by the police, who later released a statement to the public about the incident at Midtown High. Peter, MJ, Ned, and lots of their classmates ended up going to therapy to help cope with the traumatic experience, and every night Peter would hug MJ extra tight to let her know he was always there.


Here's some angst and SpideyChelle for you guys.

Btw, if you have ever experienced a school shooting or have lost or known someone who was in one/experienced it, I'm so sorry. You are very strong. 💗

Stay tuned for more oneshots, friends!

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