[4] im sorry mr stark

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In which Tony Stark must have a talk with someone he cares about very much...


"He's in the hospital, Tony."

Tony Stark was just as everyone saw him. A billionaire playboy who was cocky and used his talents to charm the world. CEO of Stark Industries. 

That was until everything changed. 

He was kidnapped in Afghanistan, became beloved superhero Iron-Man, joined the Avengers, fought aliens and a mischievous god with his best friends, went through a gigantic wormhole in the sky, started dating the woman he loves, fought an evil robot of his creation, proceeded to have an all-out brawl with one of his closest friends and the guy who killed his parents, developed severe anxiety and PTSD.

And through all this, came teenager Peter Parker.

After learning about this boy's abilities and how he had become another superhero of sorts by the name of Spider-Man, Tony decided to recruit the kid to help him in his quest to defeat Steve Rogers during their fight over the Sokovia accords.

The whole situation was messy, and Tony ended up hurting a lot of people he loves.

It was only after he made up with the Avengers and everything went back to normal, that he realized he truly loved Peter Parker. He would always feel guilty about making him a suit, bringing him into the Captain America vs Iron-Man debacle. He would always feel guilty about making Peter more of a superhero since all he had gone through after becoming Iron-Man was just too much to handle. Oh, how it hurt him to think of the same thing happening to Peter.

So when he received the phone call from Pepper Potts while he was filing some paperwork, he dropped everything and went into a panic, dialling all of the Avengers and starting up his luxury car.

Peter was in the hospital. He was injured, and badly by the tone of Pepper's voice. 

 "Tony, Tony, you need to calm down," Colonel James Rhodes said over the phone while Tony speeded to the nearest hospital.

"I can't Rhodey!" Tony swerved at the next signal, pulling up in front of the main hospital doors and taking off his sunglasses in a swift motion.

"I'll call you later." Tony hung up the phone and walked inside, worrying himself sick.

Rhodey had wanted to come and see Peter, but he was currently in Albania working a military case.

Tony hurried up to the front counter, surrounded by doctors, nurses, and people who were injured, sick, or waiting to see someone. 

A girl sat at the counter, drinking coffee without a care in the world.

Tony tried to remain calm and collected, leaning on the counter for support.

"Hello, I'm here to see a patient," he said, looking around the room.

The girl looked up, raising her eyebrows. "What's your name, sir?"

"Tony Stark." The girl's eyes widened, as everybody does when they ever meet THE Tony Stark.

"It's a pleasure to speak with you, Mr. Stark. What is the name of the patient who you want to visit?"  she asked, typing something on the laptop next to her. 

"Peter Parker, I believe he was admitted an hour ago," Tony replied, running a hand through his brown hair.

"Are you family, Mr. Stark?" the girl asked, adjusting the round glasses on the bridge of her nose. 

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