chapter 1

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* alarm goes off*
Temari:why does their have to be school today my brothers are so lucky they don't start school maybe that's what I get for moving to the leaf to be closer to my friends anyways I better get up *gets out of bed and grabs her clothes and goes to the bathroom to get ready*
Temari: ok well I better get going to school *leaves for school*
Sakura:hey Temari
Temari:hey girls
Tenten:hey guys we should hang out after school today
Ino:yeah we should how about skating since it's Friday it's open
Sakura:yeah and we should invite our boyfriends
Ino: definitely should
Temari: ok well we should get to class but first I'm going to go see Shikamaru see u guys in class *leaves* hey Shikamaru
Shikamaru:hey Temari
Temari:let's go to class before the bell rings
Shikamaru: ok
~they get to class
Teacher:*explains lesson bell rings*ok class dismissed for lunch
*they all meet up at the table*
Sakura:so guys u wanna go skating tonight with us
Shikamaru:uh yeah sure I got no planes
Sasuke: I'm in
Naruto :Metoo
Neji: same here
Sai:I'll come
Tenten:perfect so meet at skating 7 tonight
*they eat and go back to class is over they go home
*7 they are all at the skating rink*
Sakura:let's go get our skates
* they get their skates on and go sot down at a table*
Ino: ok I'm going to go skate u coming sai
Sai.yeah let's go
*they leave*
Sakura:let's go get food sasuke
Naruto:hey Hinata let's play a game
Hinata:ok let's go
Tenten: come on Neji let's go skating
Shikamaru:so what should we do
Temari:idk *sees someone she knows freaks outs* u know what let's got skating come on *pulls his hand*
Shikamaru:ok let's go
*skates around a couple times*
Temari:ok let's go back I'm getting tired
*they go back to the table*
Jacob:*sees temari*aw my sweet baby is here ew she is with some guy she should be with me *walks over*
*looks at her*hey temari it's been a while since we saw each hasn't it
Temari:*doesn't break eye contact with Shikamaru *yeah it has been *she said nervously*
Jacob:u know I really missed u so much
Shikamaru:hey Tem wanna go do something
Temari.ah yeah sure ok well it this was great but let's go
Jacob:she will be mine again
*hours later 10*
Ino:ok guys let's go home wait how about we stay the night at one of our houses temari what about urs
Temari:oh um sorry im not feeling like a sleepover tonight maybe next time I have to go *leaves*
*back. At home *
Temari:* panicking* he's here no no no this can't be happening right now I'll be fine let's just go to bed
*Monday morning*
Temari:*wakes up* ok well I'll hurry up and get ready rn
Temari:ok now I better get to school
*at school with her friends*
Tenten:hey temari
Temari:hey guys
Ino:ok let's get to class before we're late
*they all head to class*
Teacher:good morning guys we have a new student come on in
*walks in*
??:hey guys I'm Jacob and yeah
Teacher:ok Jacob u can go sit down next to temari
Jacob: ok *sits down next to temari having her in the middle of him and Shikamaru*
Teacher:explains lesson bell rings *ok class dismissed
*they leave for lunch*
Sakura: hey guys I invited Jacob to sit with us
Naruto:oh ok
Jacob:* walks over and sits next to temari* hey guys
Sasuke: what's up
Shikamaru: hey tem u coming over Friday night after school
Temari:huh oh yeah sure
Shikamaru:ok we'll meet at my place at 7
*she goes over to his place*
Shikamaru:so wanna watch a movie
Temari:sure what movie
Shikamaru: how about scary
*they turn on Halloween*
*they grab pillows and blankets and sit on the couch
And get food and drinks*
*the movie starts they are watching it and cuddling together on the couch*
*after the movie is finished it's like 2 am now and they are sleeping together on the couch*
*the next day*
*they get up get ready and then they go out and meet the group just minus Jacob*
Sasuke:hey guys so how about we all go get lunch
Ino:yea so where we going
Hinata:how about Main Street cafe
*they go to the cafe and get food*

A/n: so guys this is all for this chapter are u enjoying yes no let me know bye.

why is love this hard temarixshikamaru ShiakdixyodoWhere stories live. Discover now