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Me:I almost forgot about the disclaimer sakura how about u do it
Sakura:yay ok hello guys she doesn't own naruto ok hope u enjoy the story me and some of the other girls are going shopping *leaves*
Me:ha ok u heard her ok enjoy bye

🗣:I'm afraid ur mom has been in a terrible accident and died
Yodo:what no this can't be
🗣:it's the truth I'm sry
Yodo:I have to go*hangs up*starts crying*nooo
*screams*Ahh why Noo *lays down in the bed and stares at the wall*
*1hour later*
Temari:ok guys sit down and I'll get the food but Hotaru can u go get Yodo for me
Hotaru:yea sure *goes to yodo's room* it's time for dinner
Yodo:I'm not hungry
Hotaru:ok*leaves* she said she's not hungry
Temari:that's ok she'll probably eat later
*they all finish eating then go shower and get ready for bed*
Yodo: Fuckkk no why
*the next day*
Sakura:hey guys yodo's still in here room weird
Sadara: yea I know even shikadis out of his room
Sakura: I'll go get her *goes to her room*knocks*
Sakura:can I come in
Sakura:are u coming down for breakfast
Yodo:I'm not hungry
Sakura:come on you've haven't eaten all day you been lying in bed all day long
Yodo:I'm not hungry and I'm tired can u please get out
Sakura:ok let me know if u need anything *leaves* ok guys let's eat
*they all eat then get ready for the day*
Inojin:I'm bored we should go do something
Sadara:yea I agree
Shinki:what should we do
Boruto:idk all I know is I'm bored
Hotaru:ok let's figure out something to do then get Yodo since she's still in her room
Araya: ok then how about we go to the library
Shikadi:ok let's do that
*they go to yodo's room*
Sadara: I'll go in *walks in* hey Yodo
Yodo: yea
Sadara: wanna. Go to the library with us
Yodo: no I'm not feeling like doing anything today
Sadara: ok then well bye *leaves*
*they go to the library*

*after they get back it's like 9 pm now*
Hotaru: ok well I'm going to bed night *leaves*
Inojin: same night *leaves *
Sadara: well I'm going to my room bye *leaves *
Araya: I'm going to watch a movie *leaves *
Shinki: I'm going to watch a movie too bye *leaves *
Shikadi:I better go talk with Yodo *leaves * hey can I come in?
Yodo: sure
*walks in *
Shikadi: can we talk.
Yodo: about what there's nothing to talk about
Shikadi: really then explain why u aren't coming out of ur room at all
Yodo: bc I don't feel like doing anything at all
Shikadi:u sure u don't want to talk
Yodo: like I said theirs nothing to talk about so can u just please get out
Shikadi: ok fine *leaves *
*a couple days later *
*it's morning*
Temari:Yodo u need to come out of ur room
Yodo:ok fine then *gets up fixes hair puts on sweats and a sweatshirt and puts on makeup to cover up the rednesses from crying grabs headphones and puts them on then puts hood over her head then goes out*
Sakura:hey Yodo breakfast will be done shortly u can go sit with the others*
Yodo:ok*walks over and sits down and puts hand on her face to rest it and listens to music and stares into the distance*
*they don't notice her sitting there so they keep talking*
*a couple minutes later they finally see her there*
Sadara:uh guys look *points at Yodo*
Araya:about time she come out*
Yodo:*takes out headphones*hm
Shinki:nice to see u it's been like 5 days u haven't even ate or anything*
Yodo:so why does it matter
Hotaru:Yodo are u ok
Yodo:yea I'm fine why wouldn't I I'm just fine perfectly good so let's just stop talking about it and get to something else*phone rings sees it says dad*
I'll be right back*walks to the room*
*They all go listen except the parents and Shikadi shinki and araya*
Her father:hey Yodo we are having a funeral for ur mother this week
Yodo:ok well I'm not going
Father:u have to
Yodo:no I don't want to go and I don't have to go to some stupid funeral
Father:Yodo this is not how u speak to me we'll talk tomorrow about this
Yodo:theirs nothing to talk about*hangs up*
*they all quietly run back to their seats*
*walks out and back to her seat*
*they eat except for Yodo*
*after they finish they get ready do some stuff now its night time around like 10pm they all get ready for bed they all go to their rooms*
*Shikadi sneaks to yodo's room*
Shikadi:*knocks* can I come in
Shiakdi:*walks in and goes and sits next to her on the bed*Yodo what is going on
Yodo:it's nothing
Shikadi:really if it was nothing then u would be out of ur room with me the guys and the girls so there's clearly something*
Yodo:I already said it's nothing
Shikadi:yodo u know I love u I hate u being like this so please tell me what is wrong
Yodo:i love u too but telling u this is so hard for me
Shikadi:I know but u have to tell someone what's wrong sooner or later
Yodo:I know just I need time Shikadi
Yodo:can u stay in here for a while
*they both lay down next to each other*
*moments later Yodo falls asleep*
*Shikadi looks at her*
*goes to sleep*
*the next day*
*they get dressed and ready*
Tenten:guys come eat
*they all go to the kitchen and sit down and Yodo is still in sweats with her hair hidden in her sweatshirt hood*
Sadara:Yodo are u going to tell us already
Yodo:what do u mean theirs nothing like I already said *looks down at her plate*
Sadara:mhm yea sure if their wasn't anything then u would fine and not like this u would have ur hood down and not in ur room
Yodo:just stop wondering about it and being all in my business *storms off to room*
Sadara:gee she's in a mood.
Shinki:she'll get over it just leave her
Tenten:hurry up and eat ur all supposed to meet Kakashi the hokage today for a mission
Naruto:I remember when we would go on missions everyday brings back memories
Sakura:sure does
Neji:wait isn't the chunin exams coming up soon
Sasuke:ur right
Ino:those really good memories remember that's when we met u temari
Temari:eh yea some good old times
*they finish eating then get ready*
Sakura:ok get Yodo he wants all of u guys for the mission
*they get Yodo then all go to the hokage building*
Kakashi:ok I need all u for this mission boruto I'm putting u in charge of the squad
Boruto:yay ok so what's the mission
Kakashi:the mission is you have to go to the sand village for it when u arrive gaara will explain the rest to u
Shinki:oh ok
Kakashi:ok u leave in one hour
*they leave and go pack*
*one hour later they are at the gates leaving*
Boruto:ok let's go now
*they leave the village and start walking*
*couple hours later they are at the sand village*
Hotaru:I don't get why we didn't just drive here
Boruto:bc I was not thinking and forgot cars existed
Sadara:how did we get stuck with u as squad leader
Boruto:hey rude
Araya:come on let's go meet gaara
*they walk to the kuzakage building*
Gaara:hi guys
Shinki:hi dad
Boruto:so what's the mission
Gaara:theirs been a death in this village we need u guys to investigate on it
Yodo:*whispers*oh no why
Inojin:so who's the person and where we going
*sry for the invasion but I'm making up a name for yodos mom and a last name for her and for araya ok back to the story*
Gaara:the person who died is Hanako Hayashi so for this mission it's going to be Boruto Uzamaki Sadara Uchiha Hotaru Hyuga Shikadi Nara Inojin Yamanaka shinki no subako Yodo Hayashi and araya Miura so that is all for the mission
*boruto araya shinki inojin Shiakdi Sadara and Hotaru all look at yodo*
Sadara:Yodo u have the same last name as the person who. Died
Yodo:yea so what about it
Sadara:how like is that ur aunt grandma or cousin or what
Gaara: the place u need to look is 6388 wild rich way avenue u guys need to go now
Boruto:ok let's go then
*they leave the office and start walking*
*couple minutes later they arrive at the place they walk inside*
Boruto:so should we split up on this mission in the house
Sadara:good plan ok how about Boruto me  inojin get the basement shinki araya hotura get the middle part of the house and Shikadi and hood get the up stairs
Inojin:ofc I get stuck with the scary basement
Sadara:hey I'm the girl here if anything happens u should protect us
Hotaru:true but we all know Shikadi and Boruto will be the ones not to protect us
Shikadi:rude I didn't even want to go on this mission it's so much work
Yodo:*whipers* oh really u don't want to be here
Inojin:ok let's go
*they split up and go their ways*
*with Shiakdi and Yodo*
Shikadi:so where we looking first
Yodo:let's go in their *points to the guest room*we can look in there first
*they walk to the room and look around*
Yodo:ok well I'm not seeing anything so let's go look in a different room*
*they walk out into the hall*
Shikadi:how about in there *points to yodos room*
Yodo:there's probably nothing in there it's no point on looking
Shikadi*starts walking towards the door
Yodo*rushes to the door to block it*
Shikadi:Yodo u need to move
Yodo:no*closes her eyes and looks away*
Shikadi:Yodo please move we need to look in there to see if theirs anything
Yodo*stays silent and keeps her head turned away facing the ground*
Shikadi:ah I didn't want to do this but u leave me no choice *picks up Yodo and opens the door and sets her on the bed* see was that so hard
Yodo*looks around at all the stuff in her room she forgot about since she doesn't stay there anymore*
Shikadi:ok u look over there and I'll look over here
*they both go different directions*
*when they're looking Shikadi finds a note and takes it out and reads it*
*the note*
Dear Yodo Hayashi,
Your eyes glow like the ocean ur hair blows with the wind ur beautiful face glows with happiness u hide ur emotions and stay happy that's what I love about u ,are kind and pretty I love u Yodo
From Kenji HARUKI
*end of letter*
Shikadi*puts back in its place and starts looking when he's looking he still doesn't know that the room is yodos he thinks it a different Yodo he doesn't know*
Yodo:u see anything
Shikadi:no let's keep looking
*they looking they don't find anything in the room so they head out*
Yodo:let's look in there that's the last room *points to her parents room*
*they walk in there*
Shikadi:ok u wanna take that side and I'll take the other side
*they start looking*
*a few minutes into looking they hear a noise like footsteps coming upstairs*
Yodo:u hear that
Shikadi:it's probably just the others
Yodo:true ok let's keep looking
*they go back to looking just then moments later someone grabbed yodos arm*
Yodo:*feels the grab* wtf *looks back at what grabbed her arm and sees her father*
Haru:hello Yodo
Shikadi:umm Yodo
Haru:come on Yodo the funeral is this week
Yodo:I already said I'm not going to some fucking stupid funeral
Haru:Yodo Hayashi that's not how u speak to me know u are going to this funeral wether u like it or not
Yodo:it's my choice in life and how did u even get in here
Haru:I live here
Yodo:oh right
Haru:yea and u are going to be back here soon if u don't go
Yodo:what but that's not fair
Shikadi:umm Yodo focus we need to find clues on the death
Yodo:oh right I'll talk later
Haru:ur wasting ur time
Yodo:mhm and how's that
Haru:bc I know who killed her*stares at her in a serious way*
Yodo:*looks at him notices the face he is making* no fuck u I hope u rot *yells*I fucking hate I hope u die u deserve to die not mom she loved everyone I hate u I can't even explain how much *starts tearing up*
Haru:aw just bc I killed ur mother doesn't mean I can't do it to u
Yodo:but why
Haru:I never liked ur mother I hated u the day U were born
Yodo:i hate u I hope u die and no one saves u
Haru:well if I do at least I'll be more happy in life
*Yodo walks behind him and stabs him in the back of his throat with a kunine having him fall to the ground also having her to fall to the ground to the knees*
*The others hear and run upstairs and go into the room*
Sadara:what happened*sees Yodo next to the guy*who's that
*Yodo stands up*
Yodo:That is Haru Sato also as known as my father
Boruto:he's ur father
Yodo:yep come on let's tell Gaara we found the person
*they go to gaara*
Gaara:ok what is it
Shinki:well we found the person
Gaara:why didn't u bring him what if he escapes
Sadara:oh we don't have to worry about that
Boruto:bc Yodo killed him
Gaara:Yodo why did u kill him
Yodo: he deserved it
Gaara: but why didn't u bring him here
Yodo:bc it would be easier for me to kill him
Gaara:well now we don't have information about him
Yodo:oh I how tons of information on who he is and why he did it
Gaara:ok explain who he is and why he did it
Yodo:ok he is Haru Sato he got married to Hanko Hayashi after they got married they had a baby that baby was a girl the mother loved her with all her heart the father secretly hated her he never showed a couple years later the girl was enrolled into the academy where she got out on a team after they graduated her and her team went to a different village for a while to stay there and go to school then they decided to move there then a couple month later they went to high school and moved into a house together then a while later the girl found out her mother died and was being forced to go to the funeral then a little bit ago she found out her father hated her and wanted her dead she took a kunine and stabbed him in the back of his neck ok that's the story
Gaara:so how do U know so much about him
Yodo:he's my father
Boruto:so that girl in the story was..
Yodo:yes it's me
Hotaru:and the two team mates..
Yodo:yep Araya and Shinki I'm just so happy he's gone but I hope he rots and no one saves him
Gaara:ok well since that mission is over Yodo are u coming to the funeral it's ur own choice not us
Yodo:no I'm not going
Gaara:ok very well then ok well I guys are excused
*they leave*
Araya:hey it's late why don't u guys stay in the village for the night in a Inn
Boruto:yea good idea
Yodo:well there's no way I'm sleeping tonight
Sadara:girl u weren't the one who had to go in a scary basement
Yodo;um no but I did kill someone u know what I'm staying at the Inn yep good idea
Shinki:ok well me and araya and both heading home
*they both leave and go to their houses*
Hotaru:well I'm going to bed *leaves and goes to her room*
Inojin:Metoo I'm sleeping in the room with her and don't want to get locked out bye*goes to room*
Sadara:come on Boruto let's go to bed or ur sleeping outside
Boruto:ok fine
*they go to the room*
Shikadi:ok u ready to go to bed
Yodo:yea I'm tired
Shikadi:ok come on let's go to the room
*goes to room *
*they all change into pajamas*
*this is just going to Yodo and Shikadi parts right now till morning*
Shikadi:ok let's get to bed
*they turn off the lights and get into separate beds*
*2hours later Shikadi fell asleep but Yodo is wide awake*
Yodo pov:omg why can't I sleep maybe music will help *puts in headphones*this doesn't help at all *takes off headphones and sits up and looks around*
*Shikadi wakes up and sees Yodo up*
Shikadi:Yodo it's like 2 why aren't u sleeping
Yodo:mainly bc I'm too scared to go to sleep
Shikadi:*gets up out of bed*
Yodo:where are u going
Shikadi:move over I'll sleep with. U
Yodo*moves over*
Shikadi*goes into the bed next to Yodo*
*they finish eating then all get ready*
*so we're skipping 1 week later for school*
*school morning*
*everyone gets up and ready*
Boruto:so who's riding with who me and Sadara are riding together
Inojin:me and Hotaru are riding together
Shikadi:me and Yodo are
Araya:me and shinki are
Boruto:ok well let's get to school
*they drive to school*
*at school*
Yodo:so we all have the same class first right
Hotaru:ok come on guys let's get to class
*they walk to class *
*teacher teaches lessons ok now it's lunch*
*they eat lunch go back to class ok now time to go home they go home*
*at home they eat do homework shower*
Yodo:hey Temari
Temari:what's up Yodo
Yodo:I'm going out I'll be back in 5 minutes
Temari:ok see u soon
*drives down town*
*arrives gets out*
*goes into the store*
*buys some food and clothes she wanted*
*pays and walks out of the store*
*she puts the bag in the car then walks around down town*
*someone grabs her*
Yodo:what the
*they bring her to a dark corner she doesn't recognize*
Yodo:what the hell who are u
*goes closer to her face  and grabs her face with his finger on her chin*
Kenji:really u don't remember me
Yodo:wait Kenji
Kenji:yep miss me
Yodo:not really
*let's go of her face*
Kenji:aw yes u did  so how's ur life I haven't seen u where have u been
Yodo:well I live in the leaf village now with my friends and their parents my parents just died I started high school again had some missions
Kenji:are u still hanging out with shinki and araya
Yodo:yea they're my team mates
Kenji:it would of been better if we were on a team
Yodo:yea well I think this team is better
Kenji:oh well how about I change that *pushes her against a wall grabes her face with his finger on her chin and kisses her on the lips*
Yodo:*pushes him back*What the hell I have a boyfriend
Kenji:aw it's ok he won't know
Yodo:yea well I'm not that kind of person
Kenji:aw well then let's change that
Yodo:*runs out of there and find her car and drives quickly away and doesn't look back *
*arrives home and goes inside*
Temari:Yodo I thought u said 5 minutes it's been like 40 minutes
Yodo: sry I lost track of time
Temari:oh ok
Yodo:ok well I'm going up *leaves and goes to shikadis room*
*goes in*
Yodo:hey u up
Shiakdi:yea why wouldn't I
Yodo:idk u like sleeping I thought
Shiakdi:I do but I wasn't going to sleep till u got home
Yodo:aw thanks ok let me change then I'll be in
*goes to her room and changes*
*goes back to his room*
Shikadi:ok I'm going to bed night
*they both go to sleep*
*the next day they get ready for school*
*they get ready and drive to school*
*at school*
Boruto:come on guys let's get to class hurry up
Inojin:why are u so happy for school
Boruto:bc the sooner we're there the sooner it will be over
Sadara:ok yea come on let's go
Yodo:hey u guys go I'll meet u there In a bit
Sadara:ok well let's go
*they leave*
*gets up and starts walking to the bathroom*
*grabs her and puts his hand on her neck and pins her to a wall*
Kenji:I see yesterday didn't work out for u so let's try it again *goes in and kisses her on the lips*
*pushes him away and runs to class and sits down next to Shikadi*
*a little bit later Kenji walks in*
*the teacher teaches lesson ok now lunch after lunch back to class ok now home*
*they go home*
*skipping to Friday*
*at school*
Inojin:so wanna go skating tonight
*they all agree*
*at skating*
*they get they're skates and go to the table*
*they skate ok hours later it's time to go *
*they drive home*
Shikadi:*whispers*should we tell them
Yodo:yea I'll tell them
Hotaru:what's up
Yodo:well me and Shikadi are dating we're official now
Araya:I knew u two liked each other
Yodo:well guess u were right
*they arrive home and go inside*
*they get ready for bed*

A/N:i know ur going to be mad but were stopping this book so hope u enjoyed and ill write soon again bye

why is love this hard temarixshikamaru ShiakdixyodoWhere stories live. Discover now