Chapter 7

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Me:hi guys
Sakura:ay yo guys
Naruto: who's doing the disclaimer
Me:idk who wants to do it
Tenten:*pulls neji* he will
Me:ok Neji say it
Neji:huh what
Tenten:the disclaimer
Neji:why me
Me:bc I chose u
Neji:she doesn't own naruto Happy?
Me:yes ok hope u enjoy

Shikamaru:I'm sry I didn't know u felt this way
Temari:oh course u didn't u were to busy with Jacob and him
Shikamaru:well I never lost feeling for u I still love u so much
Temari:then why didn't u say anything
Shikamaru:bc I didn't know if u liked me back
Temari:I'm done talking about this get the group and let's go back I'll meet u at the hotel *leaves*
*he gets the group and they all go back to the hotel *
~at the hotel~
Teacher:class today is out last day so go to bed early bc we need to get up at 8 to leave
*the group goes out to dinner and then goes to bed*
*next day*
*everyone wakes up and gets ready they get in their plane now they are back *
Teacher:ok hope u guys had fun and school is over for the year it's summer break have fun bye
*they all leave*
Sakura:so what is everyone doing this summer
Naruto:I'm doing sports this summer mostly basketball
Hinata:I'm going to catch up and reading
Sai:I'm going to start an art studio and sell my work
Ino:singing career
Sasuke:video games
Temari:I'm going back home to see my brothers and father for a month
Naruto:lucky tell gaara I said hi
Temari:will do ok I gotta go pack *she says smiling* I'll see u guys later bye*leaves*
Tenten:damn temaris so lucky her father is the kazekage she lives in the sand and leaf village
*they talk for a while then they all go home*
*next day*
*temari wakes up gets ready then leaves the village*
*couple hours later she is at her house*
*walks in quietly so she can surprise them goes to kitchen where they are all at the table eating breakfast goes and puts her arm on her fathers chair*
Kankuro:*jumps*ahh temari what are u doing here u almost gave me a heart attack
Temari:sry but I'm here to stay for the month
Rasa:hello temari I hope it wasn't a bother coming here
Temari:nope all good
Rasa:good now after this meet me in my office u two boys go do something after
*rasa heads to his office *
Gaara:so how is the leaf village
Temari:it's good same old stuff
*she walks to the office knocks on the door*
Rasa:come in
Temari*walks in* what's up
Rasa:money has been bad and u could help me with that
Temari:what are u getting at
Rasa:all I'm saying is I've talked with people and put u in modeling
Temari:what u can't do that what about everything
Rasa:it's either u do it or u won't leave this house or do anything ever again so do we have a deal
Temari:fine I'll do it
Rasa:perfect now get ready I'm hosting a ball u can invite some friends go to the maids they will help u get ready
*leaves and goes to room*
*calls maid in*
Maid:yes lady temari
Temari:where is my dress for tonight
Maid:right here and here is ur corset ur father told me to put on u at nine inches
Temari:what that's too tight I won't be able to breath
Rasa:*walks in* temari you'll be fine now go change *leaves*
*changes into dress*
Temari:ok I'm ready *goes down stairs and goes by her friends*
Rasa:let the ball begin
*everyone is talking and dancing*
*temari and the group bump into rasa*
Rasa:hello guys
Temari:hey dad
Rasa:Jacob is that u
Jacob:hey it's been long
Rasa:when did u two meet
Temari:couple years ago don't you remember
Rasa:well u guys have fun I'm going over there *leaves*
*after the ball ends*
Rasa:temari can I speak with u
Temari:yeah sure what's up
Rasa:ur going to date Jacob
Temari:what why
Rasa:bc he's a good person plus his family is super rich once u guys date u can get married lend some money to the family and we will be all good do we have a deal if u don't something might bad just happen
Temari:ok fine I'll do it
Rasa:ok perfect u can tell him u want to date tomorrow  now go to bed
*next day *
*calls in maid*
Maid:yes lady temari
Temari:where the outfit father got for me
Maid:right here *hands her outfit* I'll help put on the trainer corset*puts the corset on her at nine like her father asked then hands her the outfit to put on* come down when ur finished *leaves*

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