Chapter 9

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*all the movies are over it's late now they decided to
go to bed*
Forgot to say there in high school
Boruto:ok let's get to bed
Shinki:ok yea it's late
*they go to bed*
Yodo:*stops the music*
Shikadi:can't sleep either
Yodo:u know it wanna go outside again
Shikadi:sure let's go
*they go outside on the deck*
Yodo:it's so nice out here
*just then it gets really winding causing yodo's hood to fall down
*5 minutes later it stops*
Yodo:that was Weird
Shikadi:yea uh yodo
Shikadi:ur hair
Yodo:what about it
Shikadi:I can see it ur hood is down
Yodo:oh heh *puts hood back on*
Shikadi:why do u wear ur hood all the time
Yodo:idk bc my hair gets in the way
Shikadi:well I'm my opinion u look better with it out anyways well I'm heading in *leaves*
Yodo*standing there blushing playing with a strand of hair*walks inside to the movie room*
*soo we're skipping to the day they are leaving the village *
Temari:I can't believe it's been a year already I'll miss it here
Boruto:make sure u 3 visit
Shinki:we will
Sakura:ok let's go guys get in the car
*they get in the car and drive home*
*couple hours later they are home now*
Temari:ok come on guys let's go inside get ur bags from the back
*they get their bags and go inside*
Shikadi*runs to his room and shuts door*
Shikamaru:we all knew that wasn't going to last long
Boruto:yea well what do u except from him anyways I'm going to unpack
Neji:yea why don't u all go unpack then by the time ur done it should be dinner time
*all the kids go to their room and unpack*
~with Shikadi~
*gets message*
Yodo:hey it's Yodo shinki gave me ur number
Shikadi:oh hey what's up
Yodo:nothing really
Shikadi:same I'm bored
Yodo:well u did complain about going back now ur bored
Shikadi:yea fair So when are u coming to the leaf with shinki and Araya
Yodo:I don't know yet
*so I'm skipping again it's been6months and Shikadi and Yodo have been talking a lot and today shinki Yodo and Araya are coming to the leaf to visit*
Ino:is the house ready they'll be here soon
*knocks at the door*
Tenten:I'll get it *opens door* hey come in
*they walk in*
*closes door*
Tenten:everyone is up stairs in Borutos room
Araya:ok thank u
*they walk up stairs*
*they go in Borutos room*
Sadara:hey. U 3 it's been forever
Boruto:it's only been six months
Hotaru:yea that's a really long time
Yodo: yea it's been long where's Shikadi
Boruto:room like always
Shinki:we should of guest it
Sadara:so what shou we do
Boruto:u guys wanna play video games
Araya:yea sure
Sadara:nah we'll go hang out in my room  come on
Yodo:ok I just have to do something real quick I'll meet u in the room
*leaves and walks to Shikadais room*
Shikadi:what now I already said I'm not hungry
*walks in*
Yodo:nice to see u too dummy
Shikadi:I never said come in
Yodo:oh come on I know u missed me
Shikadi:ur right I did so how long will u guys be in town for
Yodo:idk yet probably like a week or 2
Shikadi:oh ok
Yodo:so now that I'm here are u going to  go out more
Yodo:ok well then let's see what everyone is up to
*they go to borutos room*
Boruto:ur out of ur room surprising Yodo what did u say to make him come out
Yodo:nothing *pulls hood over head more*
Shikadi:so where are the other girls
Inojin:in sadaras room can someone go get them we're almost done with this game
Yodo:I'll go *leaves and gets the girls*
Hotaru:u wanna tell us why we had to stop gossiping and come in here
Boruto:bc look who's finally out of their room
Hotaru:what how
Shikadi:oh my god u guys act like it's a big deal like yea I'm out of my room so what Now if u need me I'll be at the hill *leaves*
Sadara:we all knew that was going to happen
Inojin:yea ok come on guys it's getting late let's all shower and then get ready for bed
*they all shower and go to bed same with the parents but shikadi isn't back yet*
*all the kids are sleeping in the movie room*
Hotaru:shikadi isn't back yet and it's almost 11
Boruto:it's ok he's fine he knows this village plus there hasn't been any danger in this village ok well let's go to bed
*they all fall asleep*
*next day*
*they wake up get ready then go get breakfast*
Sakura:morning guys can u tell shikadi to come eat
Inojin:I'll tell him*goes to shikadi's room*
*goes in*
Inojin:shikadi breakfast is ready come eat.Shikadi?
*walks out of room* guys I don't think shikadi came home last night
Sadara:well at least he told us where he was going
Hotaru:ok so maybe he will be home soon let's just wait
Yodo:*whispers*where are u shikadi please do ok
*5 hours later*
*comes home finally*
*walks inside*
Temari:Shikadi u had my worried sick where were u
Shikadi:at the hill watching clouds now I'm going to my room *leaves*
Ino:I'll cook dinner tonight
Sasuke:ok good I don't think any of us were going to cook
*im skipping to the next day*
*so they get up and ready then go eat*
~at breakfast~
*phone rings*tenten:hello
Gaara:hey can u let them know that they will be coming home tomorrow
Tenten:yep I'll let them know ok bye *hangs up* hey u 3 are going back tomorrow
Shinki:ok that's fine
Temari:I can drive u home
Shinki:ok thank u
*they finish breakfast then go to the movie room to hang out*
Araya: so what should we do
Boruto:let's play video games
Shinki:ok I'm in
Araya:I'll play
*they turn on the game and play while the girls sit and watch and talk to each other*
Sadara: so Yodo do u like anyone like have a crush
Yodo:no ha never I don't date
Sadara:yea u seem like u wouldn't date anyone
Yodo:ha yea so what should we do after their done with the game
Hotaru:we could take. A walk
Sadara:sure but it's literally like almost 10
Hotaru:that's ok we'll tell our parents then after the game we'll go
Yodo:ok oh I forgot to say but were leaving tomorrow
Hotaru:what no u can't
Yodo:don't worry I'll visit
*after the game *
Inojin:ok let's get Shikadi and we'll tell our parents then go *knocks *
Inojin:can I come in
*walks in*
Inojin:hey so we're going for a walk wanna come
Shikadi:sure I guess just give me 2 'minutes tell them I'll be right out
*changes and goes out*
Sadara:hey mom we're going for a walk
Sakura:ok be home soon don't forget to grab ur phones
Sadara:we already got them ok let's go
*they start walking*
Boruto:so where we gonna to walk to
Sadara:idk we're just walking around
Shikadi:hey I know a place to walk to follow me
*they follow him and moments later there at the place*
Hotaru:this is nice let's stay here and talk and hangout for a while
Araya:sure Let's tell scary stories too
Hotaru:hey Yodo why don't u take off ur hood ever
Yodo:ur all asking me why I don't take off the hood while araya is over here with a mask he. Doesn't take off ever and the reason is because my hair gets in the way
Hotaru:oh ok well wanna get started on scary stories now
Boruto:yes let's get started can I start
*boruto starts telling the story and the wind start up really bad making trees lean to the side also causing Yodos hood to fall down and have her hair blowing in the wind*
*after 5 minutes it stops*
Sadara:way to go boruto ur scary story made the wind peron mad
Boruto:it's not my fault their just jealous of my very good story
Yodo:yep mhm they're definitely all jealous of ur story
*there talking and no one notices yodos hair*
*they finish telling stories then get ready to start walking back*
*they start walking back*
Araya:ur hair
Yodo:what is it out again *puts up hood*
*after walking for a while they arrive home*
Inojin:ok well we should head to bed it's late
Sadara:yea ur right come on let's sleep in the movie room Shikadi u coming
*they go to get ready for bed then go to the movie room*
Boruto:there's no way I'm going to sleep right now I'm not tired
Araya:how about we watch a movie
Inojin:what kind
Shinki:ok then
Sadara:no I hate scary let's watch romance
Hotaru:how about we watch the scary movie first then romance
Boruto:ok then what scary movie should we watch
Araya:how about the exorcist
Inojin:ok then let's watch that then the girls love movie
*they turn on the movie*
*the. Movie is starting*
Boruto:wait stop the movie
Sadara:why what is it
Boruto:we don't have popcorn or drinks
Sadara:really boruto those are right behind us
Boruto:oh yea well I still don't want to miss the movie
Shikadi:then walk backwards but will u please shut up so we can hear ur practically almost yelling I'm surprised Yodo isn't freaking out about the noises
Shinki:oh don't worry she has her headphones in and once their on she can't hear anything around her but she can still tell heart bpm and keep track on ur movements
Sadara:so is her thing kinda like the byakugan
Shinki:not quite it's a little different from it
Sadara:ok can we start the movie
Boruto:*walking back* yea start it
*sadara starts back up the movie oh I forgot to tell the seating arrangement so it's Boruto and Sadara next to each other Shikadi and Yodo inojin and Horatu araya and shinki ok back to the story*
Boruto:this movie is scary
Shikadi:*whispers* shut up it's the good part
*a jump scare goes on*
*all the girls yell Sadara hides under the blankets Hotaru covers her eyes and looks away Yodo is still looking but is digging her nails into shikadis arm*
*jump scare is over*
Boruto:Sadara the jump scare is over come out
Sadara:u sure
Boruto:I think
Sadara:ok but if it comes back and I die I'm haunting u boruto
Shikadi:how woukd u die
Sadara:idk I just would*comes  out of blankets*
Inojin:Hotaru are u going to look
Hotaru:it's over right
Hotaru:ok *uncovers eyes*
Shikadi:hey Yodo
Shikadi:can u take ur nails out of my arm
Yodo:oh yeah sorry*takes her hand off him*
Shikadi:damn girl u drew skin
Yodo:ha sorry
Araya:yea she does that a lot to me and Shinki
Boruto:so what does it mean
Araya:it's mostly a habit she has if she's scared during sometimes but Half the time it's hard to scare Yodo
Yodo:got that right
Araya:yea one time she even drew blood
*not paying about what araya was saying except for the last part where he said blood*
Yodo:*stands up*wait blood where *starts to freak out*
Araya:no I'm talking about time u drew blood on shinki from ur nails
Yodo:ok well are u sure there's no blood anywhere
Araya:yes I'm sure just sit back down
*she sits back down and they finish the movie*
Sadara:finally our turn
*Sadara turns on redeeming love*
*the movie is starting*
Boruto:this movie sucks
Sadara:it hasn't even started yet
Boruto:oh well it looks like it sucks
Sadara:u never seen it
*the movie starts*
*during half of the movie*
Hotaru:can I just say that guy is hot
Hotaru:I know right
Yodo:nah he's kinda ugly
Boruto:ew what do u see in him
Shikadi:yea that guy sucks but the other girl is kinda cute
Shinki:nah how y'all think those girls are cute
Boruto:no Shikadi the main girl is the hot one
Inojin:I have to agree with boruto
Yodo:eek what is even in those girls that u see
Boruto:idk there all hot
Sadara:no they aren't
Hotaru:is it weird I'm kinda jealous
Sadara:nope I'm the same way
Boruto:if there's people jealous here it's us
Hotaru:let's just finish the movie
*they finish watching the movie then go to bed*
*the next day*
*they all wake up get ready then go eat breakfast*
Temari:after breakfast I'll drive u guys to the sand village to gaaras house
*they finish eating then get their bag to go*
*during saying goodbye*
Shinki:ok well it was nice hanging out with u guys Yodo:bye girls*hugs them* bye boruto and inojin
*the guys get in the car and aren't paying attention and Boruto sadara Hotaru and inojin go inside and temari isng out side
Shikadi:bye*about to wave*
*pulls him in and hugs him*
Yodo:*whispers*I'll miss u *kisses him and stops hug* I'll see u later bye*
*Yodo gets in the car and temari comes out and they drive to the sand village*
*after they arrive*
Shinki:ok well bye
*they go inside and temari leaves*
Gaara:so how was it
Yodo:it was good
Gaara.ok well I have news but u can't tell anyone u 3 are going to Konaha high
Shinki.u mean the leaf village high school
Gaara:yes but don't tell anyone
Shinki:ok then
Araya:well me and Yodo better head home
*they leave*
~back at the leaf village*
Sadara:I can't believe only 1 month till school starts again
Boruto:yea and to think we're going to be juniors
Hotaru:I know it feels weird
Sadara:ok well it's late I'm going to bed *goes to room*
Shikadi:me too*leaves*
*they all go to bed*
*so I'm skipping to one month later the day before school*
Hotaru:I can't believe tomorrow is our first day back at school
Inojin:I know it feels like yesterday we were just on summer break
Sadara:yea ur right
Hinata:ok well it's late let's go to bed
*they all get ready for bed and go to bed*
*the next day*
*everyone gets ready*
Inojin:I'll drive
Boruto:ok good I call shotgun
Sadara:ok fine. Then I call it o. The way home
*drives to school*
*at school*
*they get out of the car and walk in*
Sadara:ok let's go to class before we're late
*they walk to class*
*in class*
Teacher:ok class take ur seats
*everyone sits down*
Teacher:ok class we have 3 new students come on in
*they walk in*
Teacher:would u like to introduce yourself
Shinki:hello im shinki
Araya:I'm Araya
Teacher:ok shinki araya why dont u go sit over there in the empty seat and Yodo why dont u go sit next to Shikadi
*they all go take their seats*
Teacher:*teaches lesson* bell rings* ok class dismissed
*they all head to lunch*
*at lunch*
*people who are sitting at their table*
*Boruto Sadara shinki araya Hotaru chocho Shikadi Yodo mitsuki inojin *
Chocho:yay team 10 back together again
Inojin:got that right we haven't seen u all summerchocho or u mitsuki
Mitsuki:yea sry I was busy
Shikadi:I just can't wait till we go home
Boruto:same I hate school
Shiakdi:yea and I got no sleep which is surprising
Yodo:yea no it's not
*back home*
Temari:today is going to be so boring
Naruto:yea we should go do something before they comes home from school
Sakura:ok so what should we do
Hinata:let's go for a walk in the park
Ino:yes let's go
*they get their shoes and leave the house and start walking to the park*
*on their way to the park someone spots them and walks over*

A/N:sooo guys I need to finish this story before tomorrow or I'm losing the bet I'm not losing ok chapter 10 😥🥲😢

why is love this hard temarixshikamaru ShiakdixyodoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora