Attack At The Park

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Rose and Wonyoung are getting ready an enclosure for the terror bird chick and Rose tells Wonyoung she needs to ask her something tomorrow. John and Kyle have come back from the ordovician with an orthocone and put it in a massive aquarium in a new part called Carnivore Street. They name the orthocone Triton. After nightfall when everyone's gone Robert sends one of his men in the park to take the orthocone and he goes in. The next morning everyone comes in to the park. Brandon and Susanne walk past the aquarium and look at Triton then they see a man dead in the pool. They run over to John and tell him. They check the security cameras and see the man tried to catch the orthocone with a net but slipped and then drowned in the water. Susanne inspects the body and finds out from a badge he worked for Robert. Rose brings Wonyoung to the Herbivore Woodlands and sets up a nice picnic. Wonyoung asks her what she wanted to ask her and Rose gets on her knees and asks Wonyoung to marry her Wonyoung with tears in her eyes accepts and they kiss. Robert finds out his minion died and calls over Black Hood. He tells him it's time for John and his friends to die. At the park Wonyoung and Rose tell everyone the news and everyone cheers then Billy calls John and asks if he's back from holiday and John tells him he will be coming back tomorrow. Then David comes in and asks what happened with that man and they tell him. John says he'll go on his next mission when Kyle Jason and Todd arrive. Just then the lights go out and John can't see anything he then feels something behind him and he gets knocked out. He then wakes up in darkness and hears Robert's voice who tells him "welcome to hell". Then the lights turn on and he sees everyone around him and then sees all the cells with the animals inside.

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