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John calls everybody in as he will be announcing something. He tells everyone tomorrow will be the opening of Prehistoric Park and to celebrate the opening there will be a party everyone cheers. Just then Kyle Jason and Todd all get phone calls. At the abandoned warehouse Robert has phoned Black Hood to tell him at that party he will finally have his chance to get rid of John once and for all. The builders call David and tell him work on the Wonyoung statue will be done by tomorrow David thanks them and heads over to Kyle. He asks Kyle why he's been so happy since he came back to the job. Kyle tells him there's no reason but David realises Kyle likes somebody. Kyle denies this but David can see right through him. David keeps nagging Kyle to tell him who he likes which Kyle refuses to do. Brandon and Susanne are celebrating their 1 month anniversary eating a pizza. Rose is now in charge of the party as Wonyoung is no longer here and she decorates the entire ballroom that John notes was not there the day before. John says he might as well finish the Aviary whilst he's not busy so him and Kyle go to the jurassic. David follows them because he really wants to know who Kyle likes. Paul Susanne and Rose have a chat about how to start with it was just them and John and now there's a whole team bringing back the dead. Rose gets a phone call about the shopping centre incident 3 days before from her dad and wants to know if she's okay and she tells him she's doing fine. David keeps pestering Kyle and John just stands there finding it hilarious. Suddenly David sees a fish in the water and John identities it as ohmdenia. They pick it up and get it in it's own aquarium and name it Lottie. Suddenly a flock of anurognathus fly through the portal and directly into the Aviary. David points out that saved them a job. They name the flock Nalgae Flügel Asa Pakpak Krilo Vinge Aile Hane and Ala.

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