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Excuse any mistakes 🤍


"Dorinda I'm scared."

"Karen don't start."

"But Dorinda, everyone's gonna be staring at me."

"So what it isn't like you're ugly."

"I am, I'm fat."

"Gir— listen you're beautiful baby."

"But what if they bully me?"

"You know where to find me."

"But Dorinda."

"Karen, I can't be with you everywhere you go."

"Then I'll be everywhere you go."

"No Karen, look we've been together for too long, you get like this every time they change the schedule as if we aren't gonna go home together."

"Ok Dorinda."

"I love you."

"I love you too Doe."

I walked away going to look for my class. I kept my head down to avoids the looks and whispers.

A guy bumped into me causing me to fall "Aye watch where you going fatty!"

"Call for your sister now. Call her!"

I didn't have to say a word, she came running down the hall.

"Leave my sister alone."

"Girl can't defend herself, her sister always got to come to her rescue. So pathetic."

"Come on Karen."

"That's right go with your sister you big crybaby." She grabbed my hand going to the bathroom with me.

"Dry your eyes beautiful."

"Dorinda why did you come, I could've handled it myself."

"You know I'd never leave you in a situation alone."

"But Dorinda that's the problem." I moved away from her.

"They think I'm too weak to handle my own situations because you always come to my rescue even if I don't call for you."

"So what Karen! You want me to sit there and watch you get beat up."

"Dorinda I don't mean it like that, you know I don't but—."

"But nothing Karen, come on."  She wiped my lips and my tears grabbing my hand once again.

I did indeed appreciate Dorinda taking up for me always but at some point I had to stand up for myself. I had to learn how to fight back because one day Dorinda isn't gonna always be there for me.

"Hey, Doe I'm sorry about that my friends can be rude."

"John don't talk to me, don't look at me. Why you didn't help her?"

"I wasn't around at the time, I'm sorry."

"You need to choose new friends or you can forget about being mines."


"You heard me John, this my baby sister and I will not play no type of games when it comes to her. You're my friend you should protect her in a similar way that I do not get missing when something happens and reappear when it's over and she's crying."

"I'm sorry."

"Why they pick on my sister anyways what's the real reason behind it?"

"Because one of them wants you but you rejected them for Greg so they bully her to get back at you."

"What type of— John the next time they step to her and I'm not there you better step behind her and protect her or I'm gonna step on you. Understand me."

"Yes Doe."

"Good, now walk her to class for me."

"Dorinda I—."

"Do it John."

"I can walk myself, he doesn't want to be seen by a whale like me."

"Karen.." Dorinda hugged me tightly.

"I love you. Karen I'll never let you go through anything alone."

"Thank you Doe, I love you too." We went our separate ways while John walked with me to class.

"John when you started walking pigs?"

"Aye y'all chill out." Someone threw a apple at me hitting me in the back of my head. John caught it and threw it back.

"I said chill out!"

"What you say boy? You defending this tubby the tuba female."

"She's my friend. You're bullying her for what Dave? Cause Dorinda wouldn't get with you? Because you were once a fat ass yourself? Or both?"

"John I'd watch my mouth."

"Or what?" John went up to him but I held his arm


"Better listen to ya 600 pound life wife."

"After school Dave, after school."

"Is that a threat?"

"Nah buddy it's a promise. Come on Karen." He wrapped his arm around me as we walked away.

We've been friends for a little while but he was Dorinda and Twinkie friend first. They introduced us, we were both shy so we really didn't say to much.

He's really nice, and good looking. Dorinda said he likes me but I don't think so, i'm not pretty and im fat. What boy is gonna wanna talk to me?

"Karen get out your pretty little head and pay attention at least one of us gotta know what she talking bout."

He nudged me playfully as we sat by each other in our creative writing class.

"And you automatically think it's me."

"Yea you're the smart one, not me."

"You are smart John, you just don't apply yourself at times."

"Uh umm. Care yo enlighten us about your conversation Ms. Clark and Mr. Sheard?"

"Umm we were discuss the different topics we could right about with this poetry project Mrs. Jergens."

"Mhm, we'll it's a individual project Sheard there's nothing you two need to discuss. Talk during my class again and both of you can continue your conversation in the hall."

"Yes ma'am." I looked away as I felt John hand touch mines.

He looked at me and smiled before pulling away.

"Don't over think it Karen you're gonna do great." I took a deep breath before smiling back at him

"You think so?"

"I know so."

I'm glad he thinks so because I could  really only hope...

- Let's jump into a young Karew love story, y'all want it?

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