6 - New Friends

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Dream couldn't stop talking.

Dream couldn't stop talking about all the great and magnificent things he's learned every day with the it group. Every day he told George and Sapnap all about it. It was fun at first but they eventually didn't care as much. He talked so much about it as if he was one of them; well he kind of was. Ever since he asked Evelyn to be his girlfriend. It was a little romantic making it the talk of the town for almost two weeks. They were even nominated for homecoming king and queen. So many great things were happening to Dream and his friends were just there to see it. So he couldn't stop talking about it.

George was a little sick of listening to all these great things coming from Dream. All the pool parties, football games, brunch, everything. He thought it was nice that Dream was getting out of his comfort zone and finally got a life, but he always wanted that life to have him in it not just watching it from afar. George was stuck in their regular life while Dream was flying through. George thought this would be an opportunity for him, and open door for him to dive into the world of popularity. He was being selfish again.

Sapnap had no say on his friends decisions like always. He just stayed quiet and observed. He just sat there and nodded to all the talking Dream and left all the talking to Dream. It wasn't like anything he said would drastically change Dreams opinion. Evelyn was nice to him and said hi in the hallways, it slowly got him the small respect of a couple girls around school but that was it. Sapnap wasn't expecting anything from Evelyn just to give Dream a little more time with them.

"I can't Friday sorry dude" Dream said dipping his paintbrush into the tub of water. The class got to experiment with watercolors this week for their project. Sapnap had barely started and focused on his sketching first. He was trying to make this sort of panda eating out of a long bamboo stick. Only three colors were needed for his piece and two days left to turn in the project but he was still taking his time.

"What? Friday is like the only day you like to go out thought" Sapnap asked looking at Dream paint over his basic sunset with precision.

"I'm going to the beach with Evelyn and her friends sorry.." Dream said. That sentence was something he never even saw himself saying in a million years.

"Since when do you go to the beach?" Sapnap scoffed looking at Dream like someone who had just lost their mind.

"Since I began having friends sapnap" Dream chuckled lightly. Maybe sitting at lunch with Evelyn regularly was hard for his friends, but Dream was changing. This had to happen to at least one of them. A little part of Dream wished they could understand. "It's just this week. Ill can go on Saturday" He said waving off his friend.

"But George's mom is letting us use the projector. And she's ordering deep dish" Sapnap insisted.

Dreams brows furrowed immediately, he couldn't believe his eyes. The projector room was a place only Georges father was allowed in. Dream wondered what could have caused this to occur.

"Did Mr. Davidson win the lottery or something why is she doing such an event for us?" Dream asked putting his paintbrush down.

"George got this stupid math award or whatever. Anyway dude this is huge I think she's gonna let us sleep past 10 this time" Sapnap explained. Mrs. Davidson has made sleepovers at Georges house a nightmare for years, but this time it might be a different.

Dream couldn't believe it. He knew how many times Mrs. Davidson nagged him for not going to sleep when she told George to turn off the lights. 10 sounded impossible, there had to be a catch to this.

They both sounded like losers for getting so excited over this, but that didn't take away their smiles.

"Dream you're in this class?" One of the guys that sits with Dream during lunch interrupts. Sapnap was so happy talking to his friend like he used to but once he saw this popular jock come up to him it felt like he got snapped back to reality.

Sapnap looked down at Dream, how normal he looked talking to him. They both looked so comfortable talking about sports it made Sapnap a little sick. Dream was changing and Sapnap was afraid of admitting it.

One thing led to the other and Dream started to pull up his stuff to change seats. The good thing about their art class was the liberty they had to sit anywhere.

"Sapnap if you get to reschedule for Saturday I promise ill be there I swear" That's the last thing he said before changing seats to where all the athletes were sitting.

Sapnap smiled with a nod feeling like Dream would be a part of his life once again. He knew all the parties will eventually come to an end. Also December was just about to approach and they had to keep their traditions like getting matching sweaters and making gingerbread houses to then smash them and give all the sweets to Sapnap. George hated candy and Dream hated decorating, they were the perfect balance. But that seemed impossible now.

Sapnap decided to clear out his mind changing the water he was using for his paintbrushes. The water was grey just like his mind felt. Maybe he was overreacting and Dream wasn't actually changing. He just wanted to be good for his girlfriends friends there's nothing wrong with that. Sapnap never had a girlfriend so he wouldn't know about that. He's never even held a normal conversation with a girl before.

"Who needs enemies when you have friends like that" Karl huffed taking a step next to Sapnap.

Sapnap furrowed his brows in confusion. Karl never talks to him.

"What?" Sapnap asked.

Karl might be quiet and almost invisible but he had ears. Even though his music is always at extremely high volumes he finds a way to find out about things. He's been noticing the change in Dream as well. He knew it wasn't his business but it was the only thing everyone seemed to be talking about. Karl had the privilege of watching Sapnaps friendship with Dream become a thing of the past first hand.

"If that's who you call a friend?" Karl smirked looking at the window leading to the schools garden with the planetarium. He always wondered what it was like inside there. He liked to watch things but he didn't always did something about them. Now he's doing something about Sapnap because he was right there. Karl always took turns to focus his attention on certain things.

"Hey its not like that you don't even know him" Sapnap sighed. He didn't know what caused him to be so defensive. Karl was no one to him but he still felt the need to defend Dream. It was weird Karl was talking to him to begin with.

"I don't know you either but you're getting all riled up about it" Karl finally turned to look at Sapnap. His lazy eyes looked heavy while his white earbuds hanged loose on his shirt. There was something daring about his eyes, like if they were ready to get at you. In this care he was ready to expose Sapnap the truth, even if he didn't know him enough.

"Sorry It's.." Sapnap sighed.

"Complicated. Seems like everything is these days.." Karl finished Sapnaps sentence, he's been watching him for a while to tell something was wrong with the joyful boy. He pressed his lips into a thin line and slapped his brushes against the counter next to the sink, then turned around to get back to his empty table. "Hey if you ever want to have fun give me a call" Karl said taking out a white business card out of his pocket.

"What?" Sapnap squinted his eyes at the card. Everything about this piece of cardboard felt so expensive. Sapnap had a need to pay to have this in his hands. He looked at the bottom of the card and noticed the number scratched with black pen and then a new number underneath it.

"They're my dads he's a lawyer" Karl explained. "I just scratched out his number and wrote mine. It makes me look profesional" He said with a slight shrug.

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