7 - Royalty

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Boredom and impatience had finally driven Sapnap to reach for a fresh slice of pizza Georges mother spent so much time making. George looked away from the small window in his basement and slapped his hand off from the plate. Sapnap flinched pulling his hand back, reacting to George contact. He squinted his eyes at George while he shook his hand, sometimes he got a big heavy hand.

"Just one please! This wait is killing me!! Im hungry, George! Hungry!!" Sapnap pleaded scooting his way to George and grabbing his shirt with two fists. Sapnap shook his friend a few times while George eye rolled at his desperation. The warm pizza was a huge tentation to Sapnaps empty stomach. He purposely avoided eating his mothers special lasagna in order to get space for this feast. All the other snacks placed on pretty colored platters looked nice, but nothing can compare to Georges mothers deep dish.

"Get off me Sapnap" George pushed Sapnaps hands off his cleanest sweater. He dusted himself off a bit then straightened his clothes.

"No way. My mom made this for us to share. Not just for you idiot" George ordered crossing his arms and then plopping back on the couch. His leg started bouncing up and down, impatient. He couldn't wait to hear Dreams excuse as to why he's one hour late. He slowly started tapping his foot on the floor as well, he was getting more upset by the second.

"This is sharing, George! I get a slice I'm sure Dream wont mind!" Sapnap exclaimed, both of his arms extended to the side making George eye roll even harder at him. Seeing Sapnap try to reach for the pizza again made him snap.

"Fine eat the fucking pizza who cares its literally 8" He snapped slapping both his hands on the couch. "You know what no fuck you Sapnap. Ill eat it before you" He slapped Sapnaps hand away from the food and grabbed the slice he was reaching for.

"My point exactly" Sapnap raised his hand up to his forehead then slapped Georges back when he was munching on the half cold dough. "Im sure Dream is on his way right now he's just running a little late" Sapnap said taking a big bite of his pizza slice. He closed his eyes humming at the distinct taste of the perfectly cooked pizza inside his mouth. He let his back fall on the couch as he took another bite. The first slice was always his favorite.

"Ugh get a napkin you're so gross Sapnap" George almost gagged watching pizza sauce dripping down Sapnaps chin. He scoffed in annoyance as he pulled a napkin from the table throwing it at Sapnap then reaching for the remote. Dream was most likely not showing up and George knew it. He was stuck with Sapnap.


And like George suspected, Dream stood them up. It was more than obvious Dream wouldn't come near close to Georges house at 8:40. His mother had a policy for that, nothing after 8. It gave a bad impression.

Se Dream decided to use the window.

"Oh my god. Dream is here!" Sapnap exclaimed getting up from the couch, a couple of chips falling off his chest to the floor from the sudden movement.

"Ha ha very funny Sapnap" George wasn't even bothered by this, he just looked behind Sapnap to look at the projection. "Now clean that up bitch" He said too tired to argue with Sapnap. He was now wearing his usual white shirt, his sweater was hung up on the closet of the basement. He chewed on a snickers bar a little to violently as he watched tv. He sighed when Sapnap ran towards the small window of his basement. "Sapnap stop it Im not believing you. Oh my god It's Dream" George gasped throwing the snickers back to the ground. He didnt even care that the chocolate hit the floor. "Shit" He hissed watching the floor get messed up.

Sapnap opened the window, sliding it to the side. The boy had a bright smile on his face, at the sight of Dream. Georges stupid theories were finally going to be over and the small party was gonna finally get started.

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