Chapter 1

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Cover by MarinkadeMeutter

Maya looks at the scene she was at. Hospitals always creeped her out for many reasons but this time it wasn't that she was there which was the problem. It was the reason why she was there. An accident that could cause the death of the only person she loves, and it had never came to Maya what would happen next.

Josh Matthews walked into the hospital as he saw how the young girl was sitting aside. Never in his life did he think that his family would ask him to take over what could be one of the most important events of their lives. Getting a call from his older brother, explaining the situation Josh didn't know if he should come or leave it. But he knew that Maya needed someone by her side.

"Joshua, what are you doing here?" Daniel asked.

"Dan, nice seeing you. Katie Hart. How serious are her injuries? I'm friends with her daughter," Josh said.

"I'm sorry, Josh. She... She didn't make it," he said as Josh looked at the man.

"I'm so sorry," Daniel said.

"Leave it to me to tell her daughter. I don't want it coming from a stranger," Josh said as he had nodded.

Exhaling Josh had approached Maya as he saw how she was blank. She didn't know what was going on around her neither did she know about his presence. Josh had cleared his voice as Maya looked up at him. She gave him a vague smile as he had looked towards a doctor. He had taken a seat next to her, taking her hand in his, as he looked at her. With instant tears appearing in her eyes, Maya knew her mother wasn't there anymore. Josh took Maya into his arms, holding her tight as he had wished this was not happening to her.

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