I Guess We Fight

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Damn it. She wasn't supposed to be home this early. 

I take a look at Marshadow. Do they know how to fight? Could they help me? I guess we will have to find out.

I hear the door slam open. I hear wobbled yet loud footsteps enter the front door. She's drunk already. That'll make it easier to kill her. I whisper to Marshadow.

(Y/N): Do you know how to fight?

Marshadow gives me a thumbs up. I smile but jump back from the door when I hear loud banging on it.

Mother: Ey, ya little shit, open the door. Ya forgot to clean da bottles on the god damn counter. You know the punishment for not doin somethin'.

I panic. I run to the bottom of my bed and grab a broken beer bottle the she once used to hit me when she found a candy wrapper under the couch.

(Y/N): Marshadow. We need to kill her.

Marshadow looks a little unsure but one look at my face and all the cuts and bruises on it makes him instantly on board with the plan. I don't know if he got pumped because he didn't want that to happen to him or to me. It doesn't matter.

Mother: Little fuck! I told you to get your ass out here! I'm gonna go get the fuckin' let's to your room. I'm gonna make sure to make this beating extra painful for not doing exactly what I said for you to do twice in a row!

We hear the footsteps go away from the door. They didn't go far, but they sounded like they were going into the kitchen. If we were lucky she would be drunk off her mind to where one hit would knock her out. I was never that lucky. Maybe whatever god there is was saving up my luck and maybe it'll all be used in this moment. She starts walking back over to the door and fiddling with the keys.

(Y/N): Marshadow. Just hit her with your most powerful move as soon as the door opens.

Marshadow: Marsh.

I nod to him and look back at the door. Just in time for the door to open and for Marshadow to jump up and used a punch that looked like it was covered in frost straight into her face. Mother collapsed to the ground. She seemed to be passed out.

(Y/N): Well that was anticlimactic. Oh well. Better safe than sorry.

Marshadow raised his fist again, about to deliver the final blow.

(Y/N): Wait!

They look at me confused.

(Y/N): I want to do it.

Marshadow just nods his head and steps back. He turns away as he can see my only weapon is a broken bottle. I walk up to her sleeping head and kick it as hard as I can. Which barely did anything considering I haven't been fed anything since today while she was out. 

(Y/N): Look at this Mother. See how the tables have turned. See how you have effected me so much that I want to kill you. And that is what I'm going to do. Goodbye forever.

I stab the bottle into her neck over and over. I watch as she chokes on her blood. After she stops moving I ask Marshadow to help me carry her out to the forest. He nods and easily picks her up. Didn't expect that. We walked into the safer looking forest with the body and threw her into the river. She doesn't deserve any grave other than at the bottom of the river where whatever lives in there can eat at the flesh.

It's over. She's gone.

(Y/N): Hey Marshadow.

Marshadow: ?

(Y/N): Wanna stay with me in my house?

Marshadow just made a thumbs up but grabbed my hands and took me back the house. He pointed at the mess.

(Y/N): Don't worry. I was going to clean everything anyways. Thankfully my room is the only one with carpet.

Marshadow just smiled and goes to grab a trash bag. I get the big mop and water bucket and try to start cleaning with it. The blood and beer is actually coming off pretty well. I look towards Marshadow and she him digging through the fridge and throwing away all the alcohol.

I think my life is going to be smooth sailing from here. No mother. No locking me in a room. No more putting me in a cage and hitting me if I'm bad.

Life is going to be better. I can feel it.

I just had a terrible idea an hour after publishing this and I want you guys to choose which way I go. Choose wisely. 

1. Something good

2. Something bad

I'm not gonna tell you guys exactly what you are voting for. But just know that if you choose something bad then there'll be less story. If you choose something good then there will be more fun in me writing this.

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