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You wake up and open your eyes
You see streaks of light like butterflies
You turn around and you realize
You are alone, cold is the other part
He left you and broke your heart

You develop the nasty feelings again
You wrinkle your face in chagrin
You close your eyes and lost the feeling
Of waking up with your soul soaring
With the sun that shines like it is singing

You began to feel a little dizzy
Trying to feel okay albeit uneasy
You have to rise and face this new day
Alone or in bereft whichever the case
Be tidy in wearing clothes made in lace

You have responsibilities you must perform
As the days past you must learn to conform
To the hollowness of the days passing
At least you are moving, you are forging
In your quirky ways you are rising

You breathe a big sigh of relief
You turn to the window again with smiles of mischief
You shall enjoy this sunshine God has given
You shall balance your life even if it's uneven
Because He made you strong as you have proven

06:19-06:25, Sunday, 041022

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