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Do not pity me whenever you see me
I may be fat and sick but I am happy
Shut that eyes giving console and censure
Marking my days and ending my tenure

Your sympathy somehow disgusts me
Empathy would be more beneficial ideally
Put yourself in my glazed and tinted shoes
Experience the many things I have to lose

So, do not utter words you know nothing about
Your advice may help me lose the stout
But it may hurt me more than you realize
Put down my self-esteem to agonize

Each has its burdens to carry
Things they don't often share to many
So it's bad if you become preachy and judgmental
Acting like you know it all as if you're not mental

But everyone is actually a little bit crazy
With their fetish that makes them uneasy
It only takes a little flick for you to swerve the line
So be very careful that you'll end up very fine

Still, uphold yourself to be of high moral standards
Study others and love them to be their vanguards
They may be wiser than you do just as I am
Who have read more books than some

So, just in case you stumble with me again
Remember to smile and not be in chagrin
Your words of counsel may be soon coming
But please do it gently as if it's God beckoning

05:56-06:06, Tuesday, 071222

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