Part 4

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                               Tyler's (POV)
I was still out scouting when I heard from one of the other wicked soldiers over the radio "Tyler! Do you copy?" He asked. "What is it?" I responded.. 

What he said next made my heart sink.. "Tyler we have the girl.. Janson has ordered you to return to Wicked immediately."

"Alright." I said..

I quickly looked around and saw a cave I decided to go into the cave and ditch my Wicked uniform and walkie talkie.. then I looked down at the ground and saw fresh set of footprints they were probably Thomas's when he came out here looking for (Y/N)..

I decided to stick close to the shadows and head the two miles toward the Right Arm camp.. I needed to tell Hope and the gladers what happened...

                     At The Right Arm

                       Tyler's (POV)

I arrived at the Right Arm and immediately found Hope she looked terrified.. I looked at her and said "Hope I can't stay long. Where are Thomas's friends?" She started yelling their names Newt, Minho, Mitch, Brenda, Jorge, even  Asher came (Y/N'S) therapy dog..

After they all arrived I just said it real quick "Janson has (Y/N)."

Hope's face went white and she said "No he has both of them.. No.. Tyler don't let him activate their connection."

I paused then looked at the gladers and said " There's something you all need to know."

"What the SHUCK is that?" Minho responded.

"Thomas has absolutely NO memory of any of you or your time in glade or scorch." I tell them..

"How the bloody hell did that happen?" Newt asked.

"Janson he somehow wiped Thomas's memories.. he doesn't even remember (Y/N).. But I think he's getting small flashes with her help."

I look around at the shocked and stunned faces. I walk up to Hope and give her kiss..

I tell the boys that I will look out for both (Y/N) and Thomas.. I have to leave before it becomes suspicious that I'm gone to long.

I look at the group one final time before heading back to Wicked..

                      Back at Wicked
                        Tyler's (POV)

I arrive back at Wicked and see multiple guards standing at the front entrance..

I walk closer and notice Thomas in a Wicked uniform but it's really just shirt and pants he still looks and acts like a soldier..

I then glance and see (Y/N) on stretcher and she's strapped to it.. Thomas comes over and tells me "She's sedated and the reason for the straps is so she won't move or try to pull her IV out on the trip we are taking to our new location."

I look at her one more time before I rush into the compound and find Thomas's room. I get inside and find his drawers and pull it out all the way and I find behind the drawer to small capsules containing his blood I quickly shove the capsules in my pocket and rush out..

I'm standing right next (Y/N) with Thomas standing on the other side..

When Janson comes out and asks
"is everything is ready for the trip?"

I see Thomas look at him and reply "Yes Sir."

Janson then walks over to (Y/N) and places his hand on hers and says calmly "Don't worry (Y/N) Wicked is going to make the pain go away."

I watch Thomas to see any reaction but he doesn't do anything..

Just before we are loaded on the helicopter (Y/N) grabs Thomas's wrist and she looks at him with scared pleading eyes.. "Tommy I'm scared.. I don't want it to be activated.. I.. I'm scared T..Tom.. Tommy.." but before Thomas or anyone can react Janson pulls a needle and goes plunge it into her.

"No Needles!" She shouting and trying to move away..

Thomas snaps out of whatever daze he was in and gets in front of (Y/N) and Janson..

"Thomas move. She needs to be sedated for the trip." Janson tells him..

Thomas looks at the girl then back at Janson.. "No she doesn't.. I'll keep an eye on her."

My brother has an annoyed look on his face as if he just lost a big prize..

"Alright Thomas You are incharge of her until this trip ends." Janson tells him.

Thomas looks at him and replies "Understood Sir."

With that we load (Y/N) and everything else onto the helicopter and the trip to the new location begins..

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