Chapter 4: Kyojuro Becomes a Sith

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(Correction: Kyojuro Becomes Anakin Skywalker)
(Either way, I love this banner)

(I was like half awake while writing this so like this chapter is a little boring. Next one will be more exciting. Also, in the last chapter when I said "the sword had burst into flames." I NEED YOU TO IGNORE THAT.)


I blinked. He was holding the sword out in front of him, which the metal had started glowing a bright yellow, gold, orange and red.

Kyojuro: "Is it normal for my sword to be doing this?"

Akaza: "Errr, I'm pretty sure the swordsmiths aren't that advanced in sword making."

Kyojuro: "So what's happening?"

I looked at him as something caught my eye. His palms were steaming.

Akaza: "..I think you should be asking what you're doing to cause that. Let go of it."

He let go of it. The sword fell onto the cave floor, making a loud clunk noise, but also dispersing a few embers and a bit of smoke. We stared at the sword for about 20 seconds before the color started to die down and return to black. I looked at his hands. They had stopped steaming.

Akaza: "I'm pretty sure swords can't do that on their own, so maybe your Blood Demon Art is increasing the heat of the metal? I guess it could be useful for burning things.. Although not very useful in defending yourself against demons, since normally fire is useless against us."

Kyojuro felt the ground for it, found it, and picked it up.

Akaza: "Do it again."

Kyojuro: "I don't know if I can, I did it without realizing at first."

I sighed.

Akaza: "Well, I noticed that your palms started steaming while you were holding it. What did you notice while you were holding it?"

Kyojuro: "My hands and body felt warmer, though I didn't feel like my hands were warm enough to start steaming."

Akaza: "Maybe your body heat might have infused into the sword to increase its temperature. Try to warm yourself up."

Kyojuro: "Okay."

He held the sword and closed his eyes. Within 20 seconds, his hands started to steam and the metal started to glow until it reached that bright yellow and gold color.

Akaza: "Fascinating."

For some reason, I put my hand out to touch the metal.

Akaza: "OW!"

Kyojuro: "The hell did you do that for??"

I hurled away and shook my hand vigorously, trying to cool it off. I stared at my palms and my skin was curling, peeling off.

Akaza: "Ow ow ow ow ow, disgusting!"

I couldn't cool it off so I just ripped it off, popping out a new one.

Akaza: "Phew, that's better."

Kyojuro: "Geez, you must be weak as hell if this hurts you."

I turned around to counter his remark, and saw him stroking the burning metal.

Kyojuro: "It aint that hot."

Akaza: "I'm not weak, you're just immune to your own fire, dumbass."

Kyojuro: "Oh."

I rolled my eyes.

Akaza: "So it seems that your fire sword can burn a demon, which most likely means it can burn a human too since humans are way weaker."

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