The beginning of the end

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Waking up to the awful smell of something burning is always a great way to start your day, said no one ever. Panic rushing through your veins as you practically jump out of your bed. Rushing down the stairs, and almost tripping a few times, you make your way to the kitchen. Once you enter your engulfed in smoke as the smoke detector starts to go off, great.

Still in a panic you look around for the cause of your ruined morning to find your father, cooking? Or something of the sort. Pots and pans are everywhere and what seems to have once been food was splattered and smeared as far as the eye could see. The weird greasy goop was somehow on the ceiling as well, which will never not confuse you.

Your small kitchen has been turned into a culinary war zone the likes of which no chef would ever willingly traverse. Walking around every pile of weird goop and the occasional pot and pan. You find the evil mastermind of this cooking catastrophe. Clearing your throat you speak up "Dad can you turn off the smoke detector please?" Setting down the ladle he was just misusing your father turns to you. "Good morning sweet pea I'll turn it off in just a second" he said seemingly in a good mood despite the blaring noise and terrible smells surrounding him.

Wiping off his hands he walks up to the smoke detector and turns it off, the loud noise stoping in an instant. The kitchen was now filled with the sounds of whatever was boiling, and the morning news station that was playing on the radio. Breaking the newly obtained quiet your father speaks up "So how'd you sleep?" Looking over to him you just shrug "Fine until I was woken up by all of 'this'" you gesture to the mess. Laughing just loud enough for you to hear your dad looks at the mess amused "what? I'm making breakfast" he said with a smile on his face. Laughing to yourself you shake your head and walk over to the pot of boiling liquid "what is this?" You point at the pot as it spits hot liquid at you "it's miso soup! And it just about done too" Your father said seemingly proud of the soup.

Shrugging you take a bowl and fill it with the 'miso soup'. Walking to the table you look down at your soup seriously concerned about your health. Sitting down you take a spoon and fill it with the hopefully edible soup and bring it to your lips. Blowing on it to cool it down some you swallow it, and immediately regret it. The 'soup' if you could even call it that was horrible, it tasted of burnt sadness in food form. It was so thick you thought it could be related to molasses, if only it tasted like it. Choking the rest of the bowl down, praying you don't puke, you turn to your dad "it was great thanks dad" forcing a smile as you feel your stomach try to betray you. A large proud smile appears on your dad's face "really? I'm glad you like it! This was my first time making miso soup" you smile and get up bringing your dishes to the very full sink. "I'm going to go get ready now make sure to turn off the stove" muttering a slight "oh, right!" Your father rushes over and turns off the stove. Smiling and shaking your head you make your way back to your room.

Stomach still aching after your morning bowl of poison you walk up the stairs. Looking at the pictures of your once happy family hung up on the wall. Feeling a wave of sadness wash over you. You sigh and speed walk up the rest of the stairs. Walking down the hall and into your room you close your door and softly plop back onto your soft bed, grabbing the picture frame that was on your nightstand. Brushing your finger over the happy faces of you, your mother, father, and little brother. Your emotions no longer able to be held in you start to cry. Tears running down your face as you think back.

It's been 3 months since the incident, you still don't feel right. It seemed like you would never feel true happiness again. Everything was normal that day you still don't understand how it happened. Your father tried to explain it to you the best he could but it still doesn't make sense.

That day your mother made breakfast like she always did. Your little brother Evan complained about going to school, claiming he would do just fine without it. Your dad went to work, only back then you didn't know what he actually did for work. You were completely oblivious, your entire life you were told that your father was a cop, saying how he would spend his days keeping people safe. Well that's not entirely wrong. Your mother was a stay at home mom, you never knew her to do anything exciting. Everything was the same as it always was.

Until it showed up, apparently a demon your father was hunting followed him home without him noticing, or at least that's how he explained it to you. When you came home from school that day you were stressed, a big exam was coming up and you wanted to study as much as you could so you locked yourself in your room, that might have been what saved you. You couldn't react when you heard Evan scream, and you felt your heart stop when you heard your mother's come right after. Then you heard nothing. It felt like forever, sitting there staring at your door. Until the banging started, and when your door collapsed like it was a toothpick. You still remember how it felt, when a creature you couldn't see attacked you, the feeling of it's claws in your flesh, and when it suddenly stopped. When you opened your eyes again and you saw your dad holding a gun.

After the incident you and your father moved. You were enrolled in a prestigious school called True Cross Academy. Your family was never super rich so you didn't understand how you got in but your grateful nonetheless. You were also enrolled in cram school. Your father didn't want you to go through life constantly scared of demons, and you didn't want to be in that place of weakness ever again.

Placing the picture frame back onto your bedside table you stand up. Walking over to your closet you pull out your uniform. It wasn't the most flattering but it would have to do. Putting it on was always a challenge, the undershirt would bunch up every time you put on your vest and you only just learned how to tie the ribbon by yourself. Once you were finished you gave yourself a once over and decided it was good enough. Picking up your bag you rummage through it, looking for your schedule.

It was your first day of cram school, regular classes started two weeks ago. It made sense to start after students got adjusted to their regular schedules. Your schedule was full of classes you've never heard of before, and their descriptions didn't clear up any of your confusion. Their were a few regular sounding classes, like history, but the description sounded like it came from a fantasy novel. Sighing you put the paper back into your bag and leave your room. Heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth you look outside the window, it looked like it was going to rain again. Once you finished the rest of your morning duties you head back down the stairs. Saying your goodbyes you start your trek to school.

Hiya thanks for reading this chapter, the stage has been set and the curtains are being drawn. Sorry if the conversations sound dry right now they will get better, y'all are just tramatized.

Since when was I special? Blue exorcist x readerWhere stories live. Discover now