Does he have a death wish?

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Biology is always, interesting, to say the least. You are almost certain your teacher is a masochist. He is always doing insane projects to 'push his body even further beyond'. You don't quite understand but it's entertaining to say the least.

Your regular classes went smoothly, though Mr. Fischbach almost passed out during class. You pull out your phone to check the time, 3:00 on the dot, perfect. Cram classes started at 4 so you had an hour to waste.

Exploring this massive city was allot more daunting then you might think. Walking down the streets and passing all of these shops and mephisto themed library's were, strange to say the least.

Spotting a candy shop you walk over to it. You have a bit of a sweet tooth so this might sedate your ever growing hunger for sweets. Walking in your overwhelmed by the sweet smell of candy.

Lining the walls were large candy bins full of many sweets that you know and love. In the rest of the store many stands full of exotic sweets you couldn't normally get around here where everywhere. This place seemed to come right from your dreams, you could even compare it to heaven.

Spending the rest of your free time in that candy shop was the best thing you could've done. You ended up going to your first class with large bags of sweets. Sharing with the people who asked for some, you felt like candy Santa.

"Okumura? Okumura! Okumura!!"
"Huh? Sukiyaki!"
"If you don't intend to pay attention your free to leave anytime"
"Uh yes sir, sorry about that"
"Now then in the Hebrew scriptures these books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, etcetera are know collectively-- In Hebrew this word means--"

Giggling to yourself softly you look over to Rin, he needs to stop sleeping on class, though it dose make for good entertainment. You look over to the over group and see suguro staring daggers at Rin, yikes. Continuing your note taking you pop a sweet into your mouth and start writing again.

Oh it seems he's fallen asleep again, oh well. Maybe his sleep schedule is all messed up or maybe he just doesn't like school? Who knows.  You hear Kyle snicker behind you and smile as well, at least this proves to be interesting.

"Can anyone name the lowest level demon related to the king of rot, Astaroth? Okumura!"
"Huh? Oh I, I've never seen one of those before"
"It's a coal tar, one of them is flying past you now"

You and the rest of the class laugh at that. Maybe him sleeping through everything might be a good thing, even if it's just for entertainment.

"Usually someone can acquire powers of sorcerer through making a contract with Satan. The study of it's methodology and various uses are compiled into grimoires, now grimoires have a long history. Early in the 13th century a pamphlet on demonology was published by William the bishop of Auvergne. The grimoire you have is called the lemegeton, Aka the lesser key of Solomon"

Demonology is one of your more boring classes. Your pretty sure the teacher is fed up with waking Rin so he's just letting him sleep.

"All right everyone I'm going to hand back your quizzes now, Shima?"
"You missed a few so make sure you have a look and understand them"
"You got it"

Looking at Izumo's test results you can't help but be impressed, she only missed one. Maybe one day you can be as good as her with this stuff.

You walk up to Mr. Okumura's desk as he hands you your paper.
"I see your starting to understand the material, good job make sure to keep studying"
"Yes sir thank you"
Looking down at your paper you see your results. You got an 80! Just a few weeks ago you were scoring 60's Mr. Okumura is right all that studying paid off! You might even send this to your dad. He would be so proud of how far you've come.

Since when was I special? Blue exorcist x readerWhere stories live. Discover now