Making a friend

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Your walk to school was, interesting to say the least. You saw what you assumed to be a squirrel fight club, and some strange boy yelling about how cool the hedges were, God you hoped he wasn't in any of your classes. Your normally not one to judge someone's appearances but he was pretty strange looking. He had dark blue hair and vibrant blue eyes, pale skin, and what really confused you were his sharp teeth and pointed ears. He kind of reminded you of someone but you couldn't really put a finger on who. He was wearing a true cross uniform but he didn't strike you as the kind of guy who would attend a prestigious school like this, then again you didn't really belong here either. When you walked by you looked his way and accidentally made eye contact with him. That's when you realized who he reminded you of. That strange boy reminded you of yourself. The look in his eyes was what tipped you off, he looked so lost, like he had nothing left to lose. It was almost like looking into a mirror in that sense, it reminded you why your here. When you broke eye contact you sped away, you didn't want anything or anyone to hinder you from reaching your goal. Unbeknownst to you the strange boy was still staring at you, maybe he saw it too, how lost you really were.

Once you arrived at the school you quickly looked around for the one person you seemed to click with. A short girl with light brown hair, and blue eyes. She sat next to you in your maths class. For some reason the two of you hit it off almost immediately. She was very kind and for some reason you felt safe around her. She had introduced you to her other friend as well, said they were friends for a long time. She had long purple hair and bright pink eyes. She was difficult to say the least, she fit in the tsundere category perfectly. Constantly rolling her eyes and getting annoyed at you, she acts like a spoiled rich kid. None of that really mattered to you though, you just didn't want to be entirely alone.

Once you spotted your friend you pushed past a few students to get to her. Walking up to her you noticed a strange key on her bag, it looked like the one mephisto gave you to get to the cram school. "Good morning paku" you say glad to see your friend. "Hm? Oh good morning (Y/N) you seem to be in a good mood" she smiles as you nod "yeah I saw some squirrels fighting on the way here" paku's eyes widen a bit "really? Wow that seems interesting" she laughed slightly "are we waiting for Izumo or has she gone ahead already?" You look around for the smaller girl "she's gone ahead, I wanted to wait for you" you smile and start walking to class.

The soft click of shoes on tile and hushed conversations filled the halls as you and paku went your separate ways. Your first stop was culinary, a class you originally assumed would be easy, oh how wrong you were. You were more or less an outcast, your classmates avoided you like the plague. Sure you were quiet but you weren't a monster or anything so you weren't too sure why you were shunned so quickly. Your teacher however was extremely kind, he helped you find common ground with your snotty classmates. Your class was currently preparing for an event that will be held next week. You thought it was pretty quick at first but as you slowly got familiar with the kitchen and certain techniques it made more sense. You could safely say that you looked forward to class everyday and you got sad when it ended.

You had been working on prepping ingredients for the event with some classmates, until someone bumps into you. "Oh! Sorry didn't realize you were there" you look up and see a relatively tall man. He had long dirty blond hair tied up in a bun and dark brown eyes. He had tan skin covered in various scars and doodles? His arms were covered with small drawings some of which were colored in. Looking back up at him you shrug "it's cool, are those tattoos?" You ask without realizing. Hearing him chuckle he gives a lighthearted reply "no I just like to draw on myself, I mean why not am I right" he laughs some more "say what's your name I don't think I have been able to introduce myself yet" he smiled as you looked down, for being so nice he was super intimidating. "It's (Y/N) it's nice to meet you uh" "oh right! My name's Kyle, sorry I should have told you" you smiled "It's fine, good to meet you Kyle" he seemed kind.

After struggling through classes and putting up with Izumo's anger issues it was finally time for cram school. You had been looking for a door with a lock for a little while now, some not appearing to have one at all, which concerned you in many ways. Turning a corner you see a familiar face, surprised you walk up to him. "hey Kyle was it? What are you doing out here" Kyle jumped a bit and looked your way "Oh hey (Y/N) I was looking for a door with a lock, it's for a treasure hunt?" The last line seemed more like a question than anything "oh how convenient I am too" you smile, if only this could get more awkward. Kyle looks back over at the door he was standing in front of and just gestures to it "welp I found it, time to go" he rushed and started to walk away. "Kyle are you going to the cram school?" That certainly stopped him in his tracks, he turned to you and briefly nodded his head. "Oh cool I am too" you turn to the door and insert the key turning it swiftly. Hearing a click you open the door to find a very spacious hallway. Turning to Kyle you gesture him to follow you and walk in.


Hii sorry this chapter is so short I couldn't help myself. I have decided that I will be posting every week. Have a great day!

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