The worst day

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The sound of your alarm fills the air, groggily you turn it off. Checking the time you roll over hoping for your bed to swallow you completely. Unfortunately it doesn't and you get up. Placing your feet on the cold hardwood floors you shiver slightly, maybe you should invest in some fuzzy slippers.

Grabbing some comfy clothes from your dresser you walk into your small bathroom. Getting undressed was never your favorite activity, especially in front of mirrors. You had a perfect view of the scar that demon made. The scar was small but very noticeable, it was a perfect claw mark. Although it's still healing it no longer seemed to contain any feeling, it was as it forever will be, perfectly numb.

Turning on the shower and stepping in you immediately relax. The hot water running down your body helping to release all tension in your mussels. Lathering your body in your expensive body wash, scrubbing away the trials and tribulations of the week. Now smelling ten times better you finish your shower by washing your hair.

Brushing your teeth with your bubblegum flavored toothpaste. Thinking back you realized why you only use bubblegum flavor, your dad. Your entire life he had bought only bubblegum flavored toothpaste, it's now ingrained in you to use that flavor. Remembering your planes with your dad you quickly get dressed.

Getting your things together you leave your dorm room in a rush. Hopefully you can make it to the train on time. Now your practically running down the street to the station, gaining many confused stares from onlookers. Finally you get to the station, and good thing too the train has just arrived.

Boarding the monotone train you quickly find a seat and pull out your phone. Scrolling through social media, liking the occasional meme, you get a notification. It's a text from your father, he will be meeting you at the station when you arrive.

Putting in your earbuds you put on your favorite song. Casually humming along while you look out the window. Before you know it the you've arrived at the station.

Exiting the train you spot your dad siting on a nearby bench. Once you catch his gaze he hurriedly gets up and walks over to you. Offering a big smile and even bigger hug.

"Oh sweetie I've missed you so much, how's school going? Have you made any friends?"
Giggling slightly you part from the hug.
"I've missed you too dad. School is going well, and yes I've made some friends"

Practically beaming your dad starts to lead you to the house. Casually making conversation as you do so. The occasional terrible dad joke being slid in to the conversation. Finally you reach your home.

Talking for what seemed like forever you get the whole shakedown. If you are enjoying your school life, if anyone is bothering you, if there are any people your interested in. Getting all of that over with your father's smile quickly faded and his expression became grim.

"Honey bun I wanted you to come over for another reason than missing you"
"Yeah? What's up Dad are you alright?"

Now you were worried, you've only seen your dad like this once. That horrible day, when your father had to explain to you what demons were and that your mother and brother were never coming back. You could feel your anxiety start to spike as you griped the ends of your shirt.

"We've received word of a demon infiltrating the cram school. They say it's undercover as a student and we have reason to believe it's in your class"

Hearing those words made your blood run cold. One of your classmates is secretly a demon?! It was hard to believe, they may be strange at times and some of them are downright idiots but you would never suspect one of them to be a demon. You didn't realize that you were shaking until your father put his hand on your shoulder.

"I understand that this is hard to hear but we need insider help to uncover the fraud"

Opening your mouth to answer him you find that no words come out. As if you're voice has been stolen from you. Looking away you try to collect yourself. There's a demon in your class, you don't know why it's there or what it's intentions are, for all you know it could be any of your classmates, including paku.

"I'll help you, I still don't understand fully but I'll help find that monster"

Smiling up at you your dad proceeds to pull out a manilla folder. It looked as though there was nothing in it until your father opened it. Inside there was a singular paper covered in words that you couldn't make out from your angle.

"This is all the information we can give you, I can assure you that it's all your going to need for now. (Y/N) you must swear to me that you will not tell a soul about this, don't talk about it out loud even if you're alone you never know who or what is listening."

You gulp, your throat suddenly feeling dry. Grabbing the paper you read through the information.

The infiltrator is thought to be male. It appears to have a human form. We do not know what level demon it is, do not underestimate it. That's all? There was barely anything on the paper except for some warnings and assumptions.

"That's it? Dad there are seven guys in my class, this paper makes me think it could be any of them"
"That's the problem, any one of them could be the demon. That's all the information we can share with you, if you find anything out or see anything out of the ordinary please tell me"
"Alright I will, are you sure I'm a good choice for this?"
"Your the best choice for this, now let's go get some lunch okay?"

After all of that your dad's expression quickly change again to that of a father excited to spend time with his kid, and spend time you did. The two of you went to lunch at a local cafe, the food was amazing though you still couldn't shake the anxiety you had.

After lunch the two of you went to a few stores. Shopping around your anxiety slowly fading away. Buying some clothes and a few books you head to the last store. A bad feeling striking you, but nonetheless you try to shake it off. You were just given the news that one of your classmates is a demon o of course you would have a bad feeling, right?

After spending the day with your dad you get your stuff together for your trip back home. Not once did your father bring up the conversation, and not once did the bad feeling you had leave you.

Walking up to your dorm room you pull out your keys only to notice that your doors unlocked, strange. You probably forgot to lock it when you were leaving this morning, your not too nervous everything will be the same as it was. Opening the door your greeted by a shocking sight, and as you glance around you feel your stomach drop.

Someone was in your room. All of your drawers were open and seemingly rummaged through. Many of your belongings on the floor, some of which were now broken. Your bed was practically riped apart. Your bathroom looked the same as your room did, your soap was even broken in half. The thing the chilled you to your core though was a letter you found in the center of it all. Your name carefully written on the front, if it weren't for how you procured it you might have thought of it as beautiful.

Opening that letter was seemingly the worse thing you could have ever done. Reading that note threw you into a nightmare you might never wake from.


Hiiii I'm back! My life is hell but I must keep on the grind. Love you if you like this make sure to vote and if you want to ve notified when I post please save the story <3

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