The Big News

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Penney's POV
(AN: I wanted to go in chronological order with POVs [so Cat, Matilda, Valerie, Josie, Keira, Penney, Clem], but it's important that this chapters in Penneys POV so I messed it up just this once. You'll see why shortly...)

"You going to tell them?" I said to Clem, nudging her. Clem laughed and said, "It would be funnier if you did. Everyone's gonna get really confused."

"Everyone's gonna get really confused if you say something too, Clem Lemon. Your mom was so confused when we broke the news, it was honestly hilarious. I haven't told my mom yet."

"Hold the phone, you haven't?" I shook my head and said, "I want to keep it a surprise until we tell our friends!"

Clem shrugged and laughed. "Well, speaking of our friends, they're gonna be here soon. Time to break the best news of our lives." I nodded and squeezed Clem's hand, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey guys!" Catlynn and Red said, barging through the door. "Wow, Penney, you came early."

Clem and I looked to each other and giggled.

Josie came into my apartment and smiled, followed by Keira and Val. All we needed was Matilda and then Clem and I could break the news.

Finally, Matilda walked in, and Clem squeezed my hand and smiled.

"You ready?" she said softly. I nodded and cleared my throat. "Guys, um...the reason I called you all over today was because I have some news to share. Big news."

Everyone sat down at the kitchen counter and stayed silent, waiting for the news I was about to share. A small smile crept on Clem's face as she put her hand on my kneecap.

"So...this may come as a shock to you all...but I'm going to be a mother." I said, smiling like an idiot.

"And I'm pregnant!" Clem interjected.

There was dead silence for only a second before people started piping up with concern and questions.

"Wait a minute, but I thought-" Catlynn said.

"You can't carry a child..." Valerie responded.

"And Clem doesn't want to have kids. Or get married, for that matter. What's going on? I'm confused." Josie said. Clem and I let our friends bicker for a few seconds, sharing a few knowing smiles between each other.

After a few minutes of everyone trying to comprehend what was happening, Catlynn gasped and shut everyone up. "Wait a minute...Clem...are you Penney's surrogate? Is that what's going on?" Clem giggled and whispered "Busted!" then she stood up.

"In all seriousness, Catlynn's right. I'm carrying Penney's child, they're due at the end of the year. Also, your confused reactions were hilarious and will be immortalized on video for the rest of time." Clem said, laughing. "I didn't tell y'all outright because I wanted to see you guys get confused."

"Does your mom know? Either of you?" Josie asked. "I remember that I told my mom the second I found out the twins were coming into my life."

Clem laughed and said, "My mom knows, though she was a little disappointed when she found out she wasn't becoming a grandmother. As for Penney...she hasn't told anyone in her family yet. She wanted to wait until she told you guys, then tell her family."

I smiled. "My brothers are gonna flip when they find out. So is my sister."

Everyone laughed for a bit than sweet smiles appeared on everyone's faces, including mine. It was in that moment that I realized that we grew up, we weren't kids anymore. Most of us were married or engaged, three of us are going to have kids of our's surreal to think about.

I leaned on Clem, who was smiling at the floor with her hand on her stomach. I giggled, hugged her, and then said "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Clem looked at me with a confused expression. "For what?"

"Clem, you're making me a mom. You stepped up and did this, and you know you didn't have to, and for that, I'm so grateful." I said.

Clem smiled and took my hand. "It was my pleasure, Pen. I know how much you want kids. Hey, wanna break the news to your family?"

I giggled, thinking of the reactions I would get from them. "Always."

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