Miriam Morris

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(AN: OKAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BUT FOR SOME OF THE OLDER CHAPTERS ONLY ABOUT 200 WORDS WERE PUBLISHED? I restored it though, so we should be good. And I also changed some of Tripler's adult life stuff, he and Cameron moved to NZ so Tripler could see his biological family and sister again, more about Tripler coming shortly. Okay enjoy the chapter!)

Josie's POV

"Remember when every year for the last day of school we would do this? Get some burgers and fries, sit outside, and celebrate together?" I said to my friends. I felt a rush of nostalgia sitting at a picnic table eating fast food with my best friends, it was one of the many traditions we had that we were trying to bring back. "Tripler, gathering us all here was a great idea."

"There's a reason for that." Tripler said with a smirk.

"Cause you're cool and amazing? The insanely cool Tripler Kinnunen?" Keira said, laughing at their reference.

"Yes, that, nice reference by the way-"

"I try."

"Shut up. Anyway, we didn't just sit here when it was the last day of school, remember when we would all sit here when we had good news to share?" Tripler asked.

"Yeah? What's your point?" Penney asked.

"You're getting married?" Valerie said hopefully.

"You're having a kid?" Catlynn asked. 

"You're the President of the United States?" Clem giggled.

"I already got married, no, and I don't even live in the States." Tripler said, smirking when they said his last point.

"What's the smirk for?" Matilda questioned.

"Well...what if I told you guys that Cameron and I were planning on moving back to New York City? So I can be closer to my family and you guys, especially since I'm becoming an uncle in a matter of months?" Tripler asked.

We all screamed with glee and hugged Tripp.

"Woah! Guys, I know you're happy, but I need to breathe!"

"Damn right, we're happy! We missed you while you were gone! New Zealand's too far away!" I squealed. 

"What the fuck is going on here?" someone said from behind us.

"Dude, have you never seen people hang out with their friends before? Fuck off!" Clementine yelled without seeing who was there.

"Clementine. Can it." Catlynn said.

"You think they have the right to say that shit?" Clementine snapped.

"CLEMENTINE! I KNOW THEM!" Catlynn said, and Clem immediately shut up. 

"Wait, who is that?" Matilda asked and then we all turned around. To our surprise, Miriam Morris was standing there.

"MIRA!" we all yelled, tackling Miriam in a hug. Miriam laughed and said, "I thought I should surprise y'all, I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too, and I apologize for Clementine. She's just-" Penney said.

"If you mention my hormones I will break your pinky." Clementine said, cutting Penney off and getting into her face.

"That's an oddly specific threat." I said. "Anyway! Miriam! How are ya?"

"I'm good. Nothing much going on in my life, just performing and stuff. I still live at home, haven't really settled down yet. What's up with you guys?" Miriam said. 

"Half of us are married." I said.

"Please tell me y'all are married to your high school sweethearts, because y'all had the sweetest significant others when you were younger." Miriam said. "I loved all those kids, I still do."

"Yeah, for the most part, we all are. Except for Clem, her and Cedar broke up in high school and now Clem lives alone." Catlynn said.

"It should be worth mentioning that I dumped him, not the other way around." Clem interjected.

"Yeah. Anyway, Miriam, you want to join us for burgers? It's sort of an Adopted By tradition, but we really don't have anything big to celebrate today." Catlynn asked.

"What do you mean, we don't have anything to celebrate?" Tripler questioned.

"What are you talking about? We're not here for anything special." Keira asked.

"I respectfully disagree, Mx. Roland. Miriam's here, and that means we're all together again. The Adopted by Broadway Squad is reunited for good." 

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