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Valerie's PoV

Back at Catlynn's house. Not that I'm complaining, I missed my high school friends and it was nice to hang out with them, but this is the most I've ever hung out with these people since I met them, and were cramming in as much time as we could before Tripler left for New Zealand.

"We should probably choose a different meeting spot. I'm sorry y'all have to deal with three young children crying and making a fuss every five minutes. I forgot none of you guys have kids or work with young kids, I got used to it after a few months." Catlynn said.

"Nah, it's fine." Clementine said. "I like seeing the kiddos. Plus, Josie and Pen better get used to it, since they're going to have kids too in a matter of months."

"You do know I'm adopting nine-year-olds, right?" Josie said.

"I forgot that part, but my point still stands." Clem said, laughing. "Off topic, but do you guys know what I've been thinking about a lot lately?"

"No, what?"

"High school. Well, not my high school years, when you guys were in high school. When I first started at Eisenhower, right when I got adopted. All the shenanigans we caused and how many times we got in trouble." Clem said with a smile.

Tripler giggled. "I regret not interacting with you guys sooner. I saw you all walking down the halls when I first came to New York and thought to myself 'why can't I have a friend group like that?'"

"Remember when you came up to our lunch table and said hi and Josie asked if you were adopted?" Penney said. "And I had to apologize for her a thousand times over?"

"Yeah, but to be completely honest? I was just glad one of you guys actually was talking to me." Tripler said.

"Awwww, we love you Tripp." Matilda said. The group laughed and then Penney cleared her throat.

"To be honest, if I hadn't met you guys, high school would've been brutal." Penney said, and we collectively nodded.

"For the most part, we were all Honors students. At least we could all help each other with the workload over the years since we took pretty much the same classes." I said. "I think my senior year was the first time I actually struggled with a history class."

"And I seriously regret taking French sophomore year." Clementine said. "Mamãe said 'don't switch languages this late in the game, it's only going to end up being harder on you,' and all of my aunties said the exact same thing, but did I listen? No! And I completely regret it."

"But hey, at least you can hold a basic conversation in French." Catlynn said.

"Barely. I forgot all the French I knew the second I went back to Brazil." Clem said. "All I can remember is 'bonjour' and 'merci.'"

Everyone laughed and then I sighed. "I kind of miss high school."

"Val, you work at our high school, you're there more than any of us. Well, minus Penney."

"Yeah, did you guys forget I was a teacher there?" Penney laughed. "But seriously, I get where Val's coming from. Sometimes I look at the kids walking down the hall and remember when we were those kids."

"As my mama says, the Adopted By kids aren't quite kids anymore. But I'm so proud of the people we've become." Josie said with a smile.

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