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After that I was left alone. I heard how they locked the door from the outside.

A few months later, I got used to my new life as a prisoner. I even was abled to walk without my blind stick as I recognised all of the ways, corridors and rooms. My fellow prisoners were brutal and bad. I had to go often to the medical room just because they abused me a lot. The badest thing was I couldn't see when it was happening. So they came out of nowhere and hurted me. I got cautious everytime we had to get outside to have some fresh air and freetime. I was abled to hear better, so after a certain time I could get around them without being hit by them. The bad thing about my lost eyesight was that I hadn't got any feeling for time and day or night view.  So I just knew about time approximately, when I was taken to some certain kind of event or places by a police man. 

At one day, I suddenly had a visitor who was asking for me. So as I layed on my bad, two policemen entered my room, roughly pulled me up, handcuffed me again and went to a different room with me. They told me to remain calm and sit down on the chair. I did as they told me. I was afraid of the situation. The last few weeks I got the target of the other prisoners again and they laughed at me a lot. So I was wondering why I was brought here. I began to shiver and focused on my ears and hearing. As soon as I did this I heard someone entering the room. I immediately stood up and bowed as a greeting, even if I didn't know who the person was.
"Good Evening Kim Jae-hwa." I directly knew that it was a man who is older than me by voice. "I am Choi Geun-cheol. If it is okay, I will directly start with the case." I nodded and sat down again. I was a little confused. "At the day you got kindnapped and Kim Nabi got killed. We know that you aren't the murderer." Mr Choi continued. "ARGOS was the organisation behind it. So tell me what do you know about them,bwhat made them trying to hunt you down." I wasn't sure what to say because I didn't even knew about it too. "So a few weeks before that day, I walked down the street." I calmly said. "Because I live in a environment where it is dangerous even at day, I wasn't even surprised as I was held back by a man with a face mask giving me an envelope. I just tried to run away but he said that I should hurry to the next police station. Because the envelope has contained something important. That's what I did. And when I got to the police station the officer there told me nothing more than I was a helpful resource for an unsolved mystery crime called ARGOS. But when I asked for more information, he just answered with 'I am not allowed to give you and further information, but I  will give you an advice. Take care of yourself, you might be in danger soon.' Then he said I could go now and when they have any questions I would receive a call by them." I was a little confused but also scared because  of Mr. Choi. But I was hoping that he could get me out of here or if it is the man who officer Tan was talking about when he got me out of the hospital. "Do you know police officer Tan?" I asked out of curiosity but I didn't get an answer. "So you don't even know what was in the envelope, do you?", Mr. Choi asked again. "Yes..." I just gave him this short answer, then I heard him standing up and walking straight torwards me. "Here" he said while putting a little round thing which I couldn't identify yet into my hand. "This will help you to stay in contact with me. Just try not to lose it. Tomorrow at the first freetime stand next to the bench. I will contact you then." He said layed a hand on my shoulder. "I know it is hard to trust someone in this situation. But I promise you, you will get your revenge on ARGOS and help hundred of people with it. I leave it up to you." Then he left the room.

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