Arc 1 Prologue: The Talk with Korin

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/AGE 774\

Narrator: After the destruction of Majin Buu, the residents of Earth have ushered in a new era of peace. Currently, the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament is taking place with Goku vs Uub, the reincarnation of Majin Buu due to Goku's wish. However, this story isn't about them or the rest of the Z-Fighters, at least not yet...This story is about a close friend named Y/N, who will grow stronger to do the right thing after the wrong thing.

[A/N]: Okay, I know the video says it's Dragon Ball Z Kai, but I kind of like it.

It was a pretty normal day on Earth, the sun is shining, the air was nice and cool, and a young man named Y/N was in Korin's Tower, learning how to grow Senzu Beans.

Korin: Look Y/N, you got to grow them in this specific way, or else they'll never grow.

Korin: Look Y/N, you got to grow them in this specific way, or else they'll never grow

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Y/N: This is... somewhat interesting. I wonder why the others never bothered to learn this? It would've saved them a bit of time if they grew them themselves.

Korin started to sigh, and explained to Y/N.

Korin: It's because of two reasons. 1: They're mostly busy sparring, meditating, or enjoying their lives. And 2: ...They don't really visit me anymore unless it's for some more Senzu Beans. (Disappointed) Only one that visits me, apart from you, is Yajirobe nowadays.

Y/N starts to look at Korin, a bit puzzled about the way he said it. Seeing Y/N's expression, Korin quickly corrects himself.

Korin: L-listen, it's not like I hate the guy! It's just...It gets boring up here from time to time. I feel like I'm not important sometimes. 

Y/N: What do you mean? If you weren't here, then Goku wouldn't be able to defeat Mercenary Tao or King Piccolo all those years ago. You're incredibly important, Korin!

Korin feels relieved that Y/N was being kind to him. Then, he starts to look at the clock in the corner.

Korin: Y/N, don't you think it's time for you to head to The Lookout?

After hearing this, Y/N looks at his watch to check the time. When seeing it, his face scrunches up in horror. Y/N quickly starts to gather his items and begins to fly outside the tower.

Y/N: Oh Kami, you're right! I gotta hurry! Thanks for the talk, Korin!

Korin: Don't forget to take care of the Power Pole I gave ya, got it!

Y/N: Of course!

Then, Y/N quickly flies up to the Lookout, saying goodbye to Korin. When he leaves, Korin starts to pour himself some tea while thinking about the peaceful talks that he and Y/N had.

Korin: (sigh) Our talks are nice...

The scene slowly zooms out from Korin to Y/N, as he starts to fly to the Lookout. During this, the Narrator begins to do his job, narrate.

Narrator: I have other things I like to do in life, you know? Anyway, after talking with Korin, our hero, Y/N, begins to speed upwards to the Lookout. What does he need to do there? What tasks will he have to accomplish? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z: Hyperbolic Imprisonment!

[A/N]: Thanks for reading this new chapter of my book! I have many ideas that I want to put into action, and this is one of them. So, I hope that you stick around and see what happens next! Later!

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