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"Now just step slowly onto the ice" Everyone else is already on the ice, but Trevor stayed behind to help me. I put my right foot first onto the ice and I already start to slip forward, but Trevor catches me and his arm goes around my waist. I get the rest of myself onto the ice and he steps out behind me still holding me up.

"You know I think I'm good here" I state not wanting to embarrass myself any further, or more importantly break any bones.

"Absolutely not" He gives me a stern look when I try to turn around back onto solid ground.

"I said I got you, now you just have to believe me" He slips his arms from around my waist leaving a terrified expression on my face as he does. But, he takes my hands and moves to be in front of me.

"I really don't know about this"

"YOU CAN DO IT BAMBI" Jackson yells from across the room and I shoot him a middle finger as everyone else starts to laugh, including Trevor.

"Just put one foot in front of the other"

"Yeah that's easy for you to say Mr. Hockey man" Was that really the best I could come up with?

"You realize I can just let go of your hands and let you fall right?" I slide my right foot a bit and Trevor takes a step backwards. We do this for a bit until he decides he's just going to take off while still holding onto my hands.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I yell out when he finally comes to a very fast stop launching me into his chest.

"Aw did you want a hug Lil don't worry I got you" He taunts wrapping his arms around me. I really don't mind because he's warm and I'm quite cold, I give back the favor and slip my arms around Trevor as well.

"Comfy?" He asks after a couple seconds

"You're warm" My answer comes out slow just basking in the physical touch

"Come on I wanna take you somewhere"

"We just got here?" I question and he lets out a quiet laugh

"They're all distracted anyway" he points out and I look towards everyone else, he's not wrong.

"I don't know. Is this the part where you take me to the woods and kill me?" I tease and he pretends to look very offended.

"How dare you think so lowly of me!" Trevor exclaims, catching the attention of everyone else for a split second.

"Here get on my back and we'll head out" I'm not sure how he expects me to do that exactly, considering I'm on skates and would have to jump onto his back. I give him a "really" look and he just smirks down at me.

"How exactly do you want me to do that?" He ignores me and calls over Ryland who lifts me gently onto Trevor's back and I quickly wrap my arms around his neck feeling very unstable.

"You good up there?" Trevor questions and I respond with a quick yes.

"Alright let's go"


Short but it's something

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now