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"Alright it's 10:55 so you are all free to leave unless you have any questions then you may stick around and I will try to help you out with them" My math teacher finally ends her hour long class on Arithmetic sequences. My advice to everyone, DO NOT TAKE ALGEBRA 2! I have an A in every other class but Algebra where I have a D. The amount of times I have threatened to drop out of school just because I hate math is infinite at this point.

School has really been kicking my ass this week though. It's been three days since I left Trevor. We have talked everyday but it's not the same. I miss feeling his lips on mine, I didn't get to really enjoy it last time because we were on a time crunch. Worst part is I have no idea when I'm gonna see him again. We're both busy with school and Trevor has hockey basically everyday. Considering there is 6 months of school left it probably won't be anytime soon. I don't know why I'm even worried about it, we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, the kiss could've been a spur of the moment thing. Maybe he doesn't even like me.

My phone vibrating distracts me from the math problem I was giving a death stare and the screen lights up showing a picture of Trevor that he sent with his eyes squinted shut and his tongue out. I chose to make that his contact although he argued there are many better pictures of him. It's a facetime call but I'm pretty sure he should be in class right now. I pick up anyway and instantly realize he is definitely not in class.

"Hi Flower!" He yells through the phone and over the very loud wind in the background.

"Hi Trev!" I yell trying to match his energy. A loud laugh comes through the phone speaker and I see Justin pop his head into frame. I still have no idea where they are but it looks like they are outside.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask when Trev turns his attention back to me.

"We're skipping!" Another voice yells through the phone but I can't place who it is. That is until the phone is ripped from Trevor's hand and I'm greeted by a grinning Maria.

"Alright give me it back"

"Nope" Maria taunts popping the p dramatically.

"It's my phone"

"Yeah well it's not my fault I haven't got to talk to her because your alway hogging her '' She's not wrong Maria and I have been mid conversation when Trevor calls over and over until I pick up. Usually it's just to tell me about his day or something funny he thought of. But, it has been leading to us falling asleep on the phone with each other even after I tell Maria I'm going to call her back that night.

"Yeah well you wouldn't even know her if it wasn't for me" Trev shoots right back at her and although I can't see him I know he stuck his tongue out at her, mostly because she does it right back.

"Alright alright break it up kids" Caleb now takes the phone. I feel like a newborn baby being passed around to meet the family.

"Lilly, T boy over here has been complaining about not being able to talk to you all day. So excuse him for being a bit grumpy" The phone is finally given back to Trev and his adorable smile comes on screen.

"Sorry about that Flower, we were stuck in testing all morning. There is a lot of pent up energy." I've noticed from being around all of Trevor's friends and even just being in a group chat that they are all very high energy. So it doesn't surprise me that they are all going a bit crazy after sitting all morning. Me on the other hand I could sit and do nothing all day. Although sometimes I do feel a bit insane after not leaving the house for a while.

"What are you guys even doing?" I ask because I can still hear a lot of chaos in the background.

"Well we all decided to skip so we came back to Max's house. Right now we are quite literally just running around his backyard like 5 year olds" I picture the scene in my head and immediately burst out laughing. Not because them running around is funny but my brain made them all into the heights of 5 year olds. It was like a bunch of toddlers running around with the features of teenagers. Very funny if you ask me

"What are you laughing at Flower?"

"Nothing" I try to lie but the smile stays prominent on my face.

"I miss you" Butterflies immediately form in my stomach and my cheeks turn pink. I don't understand how he can make me flustered with 3 words but he somehow manages every time he says it.

"I miss you too"


"Sorry Lil that's my cue"

"Don't apologize, go have fun" He makes sure to tell me he would much rather talk to me than go play football, but I convince him to go have fun with his friends and I will be just fine. I have math problems to stare at until I give up anyways. That should keep me very busy.

"I'm calling you later"

"Ok, I won't be busy" We say our goodbyes and I get comfortable in my bed trying to will myself into doing schoolwork.

The next chapter is going to be in Trevor's POV. I kinda just started this book on a whim so I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with the storyline. But, I'm going to try and make it good :)

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat