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"Ok I'm starting to think your actually gonna murder me" I speak for the first time in a while as Trevor drives farther down a narrow dirt road.

"Just trust me" He takes his eyes off the road for a second giving me a reassuring smile. I swear there's a cartoon like twinkle in his eyes everytime he smiles. It's adorable!

After a sharp right turn we come to a clearing with a picnic table in the middle of it. It looks as if it's a cliff on the other side of the clearing and you can see the sky perfectly.

"We have arrived at our destination" Trevor tries to speak like siri and fails horribly earning some giggles from me as his cheeks tint red.

"Ok so you know I gotta ask where we are?"

"That is a secret, now hang tight for a second" He jumps out of the car making his way to the trunk to grab something and then comes around to my door. I see that he's holding a blanket in his hand and I wonder if he planned this.

"You just carry a blanket in your car everywhere?" I ask and he gives me a smirk.

"Yes actually, just in case I meet a pretty girl I can kill them and just wrap them in the blanket" He gives a slight shove to my arm as he speaks.

"Well just know I will fight back" I pull my hands up to my face getting in a fighter stance and he just gives me an amused stare.

When we reach the picnic table Trevor quickly lays the blanket out on top and climbs up laying himself down.

"Well come on, what are you waiting for?" He asks when I don't follow him up. He takes my hand and I make my way up next to him. As soon as my head hits the table I am met with a breathtaking sight. The trees around us frame the sky perfectly and the stars are the brightest I have seen in a long time.

"Wow" is the only thing that comes from my mouth at the sight

"I know right. I discovered this place one night while just driving around and since then it's my place" Can this boy be any cuter?!

"I don't think I ever want to leave" I exclaim and Trevor giggles.

"I think your dad would kill me" Probably true.

"So Trev, do you bring every girl you see here?"

"Only one other girl, and that girl just happens to be my sister"

"How many siblings do you have?" I ask curious because I didn't know he had any at all. I haven't seen anyone with him and when I stalked his instagram it was just hockey.

"2 a brother and sister, how about you? Just Sierra and Jacob?"

"Unless you count the 3 fish we have then yes" Trevor just smiles and we fall into a comfortable silence. And then it happens the classic, and may I add cheesy, pretend yawn to put his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh you did not just do that!" I say turning my head quickly to look at him where I find him already looking at me.

"Oh but I did" His hand soon falls into a steady rhythm rubbing up and down my arm in a very soothing manner. It makes me realize just how tired I am. I guess when you go from being home everyday and not waking up till 10 for class you get very tired when you do stuff all-day.

"It's getting late we should probably head back"

"But I'm comfortable" Trevor starts to sit up but I stay put wanting to enjoy the view for even a couple minutes more. I'm interrupted when his arms go under my back and knees lifting me up and carrying me towards the car. A surprised and scared squeal escapes which causes Trevor to laugh at me.

"You asked for it" He exclaims when we reach the car and he finally puts me down.

"Actually I believe I said I was comfortable"

"Oh yeah was it comfortable being so close to me" He teases and my cheeks flush a deep red. I drop my head trying to hide them but I know he saw the reaction his statement elicited.

"I'm picking you up tomorrow at 9am sharp so you need to get back and sleep" Trevor talks while opening my door and ushering me into the seat.

"Wait, why?" I ask when he enters the car to get into the driver's seat.

"I have no games tomorrow so we were all going to just hangout at my house"

"Well then I will ask my mom"

"Ok" We spend the rest of the rest of the car ride exchanging information about ourselves some more and quicker than I wanted we end up back at the hotel. Trevor walks me to my door giving me a warm hug before leaving to get to his house.

I enter the hotel room with a warm fuzzy feeling coursing through my entire body. This may be the best weekend of my life and it's only the first full day!

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now