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Bitch you can't just leave me hanging!
How did it go last night?

He took me to a lookout spot and we
layed ontop of a fucking picinc table
watching the stars! HE HELD ME!!

Ooooooh someone has a crush
is what i'm hearing

Maybe possibly a tiny one

Anna texted me as soon as I woke up this morning and asked me how our trip was going. I realized I completely forgot to tell her about Trevor so I've been filling her in most of the day. Speaking of him he picked me up this morning and we came back to his house where Caleb, Maria, Justin, and Ryland are. The boys are playing something on the Xbox while Maria and I get to know each other better. Everyone once in a while Trevor will look over his shoulder and give me a quick smile. The gesture is small but makes my heart swell by just how much he cares.

"Y'all wanna go for a drive?" Caleb speaks up his southern accent shining through. I found out earlier that he moved here not long ago from Georgia and instantly fell in love with hockey.

"Hell yeah. Girls you down?" Ryland now asks and both Maria and I shake our heads yes. Trevor walks over and takes my hand just as he has all day leading us upstairs asking his mom to take her car so we all fit. She says yes and he's dragging me outside, opening the passenger side door for me and making sure I'm ok before going to the drivers side. Everyone piles in the back and we're off with music blasting and the windows down. This is the most free I have felt in a long time.

"Ice cream?" Trevor yells over the music and there's a loud yes that came from all of us. He pulls into a small ice cream shop and we each get our orders making our way to a picnic table right next to a river running through the landscape.

"So Lilly tell us about yourself" Justin turns to me trying to start a conversation. I knew this question would come up this weekend and I haven't quite figured out how to answer.

"Well my life is quite boring honestly. I do online school instead of in-person which means I'm by myself most of the time. That has led to a lot of talking to myself" I smile and it draws a laugh from everyone.

"Why do you do online?" Maria asks and I feel myself grow uncomfortable. Trevor notices and discreetly puts his hand on my leg rubbing with his thumb to try and bring me some comfort.

"It just works better for me I guess" Everyone takes that answer and we fall back into normal conversation. But, Trevor's hand never moves from my leg. We just met but everything feels so natural, it feels like I've known him my whole life.

"Earth to Lilly" Trev interrupts my thinking and startles me at the same time. I jump just a bit and watch as his perfect smile forms on his face.

"We're gonna go back to Maria's house and watch a movie. She has a big screen in her basement. Are you good with that?"

"Hell yeah that sounds awesome"

"Alright flower let's go" Flower? Trevor must see my confusion because he quickly begins to explain

"Your name is Lilly and I need a nickname for you so flower fits perfectly. Plus you're beautiful just like flowers" I feel my cheeks heat up as I pull myself off the bench and make my way towards the car again Trevor following close behind. Before I can make it to the door a hand reaches out and pulls it open for me.

"You gonna do that everytime?" I question just now realizing I haven't opened a car door since he's been around.

"Yup" He answers quickly and shuts the door leaving me bewildered and slightly flustered.

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now