Chapter 2

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Reyna had visions of strange people in her dream. Reyna felt like she had seen these people before, but at the same time, they felt like strangers.

There was a woman and a man. The woman had long, shiny black hair that waved elegantly in the wind. Her shining sapphire eyes matched with her beautiful blue dress. Her eyes were filled with laughter and she was smiling. Upon her head sat a crown. This woman was a princess.

The man was young and had striking black hair and piercing green eyes. They seemed to watch the princess, and when she noticed his gaze, they both smiled at each other.

Reyna watched as years passed. She watched as the princess and the man grew closer together. She watched them steal away moments together in the night, hiding behind trees, talking, and laughing.

But then something happened. The princess was crowned queen. The light seemed to fade out of her eyes and she seemed burdened. She no longer saw the man anymore, though he waited outside her window and the tree. She watched as the man talked to the young server boy, and watched as he poured a thick syrup into the queen's drink. She watched as the queen drank from the cup and ran to her room.

Then Reyna saw a young girl, no older than three holding the queen's hand. She was running briskly down an old path, the sky dark. The queen is stumbling, delirious. Her hair was tangled and matted, her face streaked with dirt. They turned a corner and Reyna could see a small wooden cottage. They walked up the driveway and the queen lurched forward and knocked on the door. It creaked open. Inside was a couple, a man and a woman with light blue skin -Robins- and a baby sleeping in the corner.

The queen tripped and landed hard on the floor. She looked up desperately at the couple. They exchanged glances and nodded. The woman scooped up the girl who squealed and looked curiously at them. The queen stumbled over to the girl and gently kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door.

The girl began crying. The couple brought her over to the crib in the corner and set her inside with the sleeping child.

The baby was about 6 months old, her cheeks rosy and fat. The girl giggled as the baby grabbed her finger into its chubby grip.

Then the queen was gone. The girl cried out and tried desperately to go after her, but the couple held her back as the queen went back to the castle.

Reyna looked at the girl as she sobbed for the woman. Reyna reached out to her with her ghostly hand, but the vision seemed to stretch and fade away. A scream echoed through her mind. She lunged forward into the dream, but it was already gone.

Reyna twisted out of her bed and landed hard on the floor. She cried out in pain as she put a hand to her head. It came back with sticky red blood. She groaned and wiped her hands on her pants, staining them crimson. She felt her face and found a thin cut on her cheek. Then she heard the scream again.

"Reynaaaaaa!" it called, "wake uuuup!"

Reyna groaned and slowly pulled herself up. She stretched her stiff muscles and tried to get the Delirium out of her system. She rolled her neck and walked to the bathroom for a bandage. She pulled a cloth out of a drawer and pressed it to her temple.

"REYNAAA!" Aymee called again. Reyna sighed.

"I'm coming!!" she shouted back and jogged towards the cockpit. Aymee swiveled around in her chair and surveyed Reyna. She frowned when she saw the cloth.

"What happened?" Aymee asked, cocking her head.

"Your screaming knocked me out of bed!" Reyna lied. She didn't want to tell her sister about the strange dream she had had, with a queen and a child-

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