Chapter 3

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Aymee skipped merrily down the street. A bright grin was stretched between her cheeks. She was proud of the bargaining she had made.

She had gotten the Stabilizer78 and the EngineBoost43 for half the price because the store owner said that since she knew more than she knew that she would most likely put the parts to better use. She had also boughten a bag of water pills and had moaned at the taste of the fresh, liquid drink. She had even had enough money to buy some flex bracelets, which she had already lined her wrists with. She loved the way they sparkled and looped up her arms.

Aymee looked around the market one last time and smiled. Reyna would be proud to find that she had made the trek back alone and safe. She made her way through the crowd, saying "excuse me," "pardon me," "sorry for the disturbance,". She finally reached the edge of the town. She slipped through a crack in the metal gate and was back out in the dry terrain.

Aymee hummed to herself as she walked on the dry ground, and popped a few water pills in her mouth.

I wonder if Reyna is there yet, Aymee wondered. She looked behind her and saw a hazy figure running in her direction.

Oh, Aymee thought, she's right behind me!

But when Aymee looked back again, the figure was gone.

Am I hallucinating? Aymee thought, puzzled. It must be the heat.

After almost 20 minutes of walking, Aymee was back at the ship.

"Tin Can," Aymee said loudly to the ship, and the ship opened, responding to the foolish nickname Reyna had dubbed the ship. Aymee ran inside and quickly closed the door before more hot air could get inside. Aymee walked back to her small bedroom and looked longingly at her flex bracelets. She didn't want to take them off, but otherwise, they would soon get covered in oil and grease. She sighed and slowly unwinded the bracelets and carefully set them in her drawer. Then she looked down at her blue sari. She loved how it floated around her when she walked.

I can't wear it or it will get dirty, Aymee thought to herself, but I can wear a dress for one day, can't I?

Aymee unwound her hair and let soft curls fall on her shoulder. She quickly combed through her hair with her fingers and shoved on some work gloves.

Aymee walked to the heating room, dancing quickly on her toes. She yanked the door open and found the heater banging noisily. She let the warmth engulf her, but soon found it to be unbearably hot. She quickly grabbed a wrench which was lying on the floor and looked up at the tangle of pipes and tubes. She shoved the wrench into the pipe and repeatedly tightened it, twisting her wrists into odd and uncomfortable angles. She felt the grease seep through her gloves. She growled in frustration. She was up on her toes, barely doing anything to the pipes. Where was Reyna when you needed her?

She'll be back soon, Aymee told herself as she finally let herself take a break. Reyna would be so proud if she managed to fix the pipes- a chore they had put off for months. Aymee smiled. She looked up at the pipes, calculations flying through her mind. Reyna liked to say that she could see gears turning in Aymee's mind, sending sparks whenever she had a solution.

Aymee was about to get a cup of water to help her think when she suddenly heard someone call her name.

Reyna! Aymee thought giddily and started running towards the noise when she stopped. Something seemed off. She heard the voice call again.

"Aymee!" a sluggish voice called that was definitely not Reyna. Aymee froze and whirled around. She heard the pounding of boots on metal. She quickly shut off the lights to the engine room and shut the door that banged shut loudly. Aymee whimpered when she heard voices. She quickly dove behind a stack of boxes that held spare parts. She made her way to the smallest spot and wedged herself in place.

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