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Yeona's POV 

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Yeona's POV 

My body feels heavy, like a whole planet is on top of me. I try to open my eyes but the light above me blinds me making me squeeze my eyes close. A groan rattles my throat, I push myself up from a laying position to a sitting position. I run my eyes before opening them.

Once my eyes are open I look around the room I'm in. From the rudy walls to the wooden floor, everything looks like it's from the Victorian age. My eyes then grow wide as I remember what happened before I blacked out. My heart drops, what happened while I was out?

"Yeona?" I look towards the door, seeing the familiar black and red haired male.

"San." I whispered. I jump off the bed and rush towards the male. My arms wrap around his neck. The male chuckles before wrapping his arms around my waist. My eyes become blurry from the substance forming in my eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered.

"Don't worry about me." San chuckled. "Can't get rid of me that easily." I giggle before letting the male go. I whip my face with my hands. "There's someone down stairs waiting for you." San spoke. My eyes grow wide, does he mean Yunho?

"Really, who?" I asked my lips pulling into a smile.

"Come down and see." San smiles, holding out his hand. I place my hand in his, he then leads me out of the room and down the hall to a wooden staircase. My heart thumps in my chest, threatening to jump out. As we walk down the stairs in silence my head begins to be filled with questions.

What happened after I black out? Who was that male who caressed my cheek? Is Yunho okay?

A sigh leaves my lips, there seems to be more questions and no answers. We step off the stairs and the first thing I see is a door, the polished dark wood with carvings.

"Yeona?" The sound of the familiar voice makes me look to the right. My eyes grow wide at the sight of the familiar person.

"Hongjoong?" The said male walks up to me and embraces me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried." My brows furrow, what is he doing here? Hongjoong let's me go as he takes a step back. I tilt my head, what's going on? "I know, I have a lot of explaining to do. We all do." He says looking at San then his eyes fall back on me.

I go to question what he means but I get interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I turn around to see Yunho limping through the door. My heart drops at the sight, "Yunho!" I flinch at the sudden scream of Yunho's name. A female enters my vision as she runs towards a bloody Yunho.

An unfamiliar emotion invades my veins. "Yunho, who did this to you?" She asked, my eyes scan the female. But when I scan her face I tilt my head, thats the new girl from school.

"That bastard's guardian angel." Yunho's words hit my heart hard, how can someone as cruel as him have a guardian angel?

"Yeona?" The sound of my name snaps me out of my thoughts. I look at Hongjoong who looks worried. "Are you okay?" I nod my head even though I've never been this confused. Hongjoong grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

"You." I turn towards the female, "You're the reason he's like this."

"Yumi." Yunho grabs the female's arm. The female named Yumi doesn't look away from me.

"Yumi," Hongjoong speaks this time, "now is not a time to do this." San moves towards the female. Yumi doesn't look away from me, her eyes burning holes through my body.

"What? Will I offend the human? Sorry that I speak the truth. She's the reason that Yunho went over there in the first place." San tries to grab her arm but Yumi snatches her arm from his grip.

"That's enough Yumi!" The sudden seriousness in Yunho's voice sends a shiver down my spine. My eyes move from Yumi to Yunho, my chest tightens when my eyes scan his face. "San take her to the other room." He spoke and San obeys. San soon leads Yumi into the next room.

"Yunho, you don't look so good." Hongjoong spoke, letting his grip on my hand go. Yunho chuckles before moving further into the room. Hongjoong meets him halfway. "You need to be-

Before Hongjoong can finish his sentence I speak up, "I'll clean him up." They both look at me with their brows raised. After a minute of them looking at me they look at each other.

"Okay." Hongjoong tells Yunho something, but because I'm so far away I don't hear what he says. Yunho walk towards what looks like the living room and Hongjoong walks back towards me. "I'll go get the first aid kit." I nod my head before Hongjoong walks towards where San and Yumi disappeared to.

I stand in silence for a couple of minutes. My brain becomes crowded with questions, questions that have no answers. A sigh leaves my lips, as I lower my head. Yumi is right, if it wasn't for me Yunho would've never gotten hurt. Maybe I would be better off dead.

"Yeona," I turn around to see Hongjoong with his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Here's the kit." He holds out the plain white box with a big red cross on the top. I take the white box in my small hands. It's not that heavy, "It has the basics in it, but if you need something else just ask. I probably have some stuff in my car." He chuckled.

"Thank you." I smile at the male.

"No problem." I go to walk towards the living room but the sound of my name stops me. I turn towards Hongjoong. "It's not your fault." A small smiles tugs at his lips. "Don't listen to anyone that tries to tell you otherwise. They don't know what they're talking about." My small smile stretches out to a large smile.

"Thank you." Hongjoong tilts his head.

"For what?"

"For coming into my life." I whispered. Hongjoong ruffles my hair before disappearing back into the room where San and Yumi went into. I make my way to the living room where Yunho is sitting patiently. I guess he hears my footsteps because he looks up.

My heart beat increases as I take a seat in front of him. I set the box on my lap, "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"For what?" When I open the box my eyes shift up at Yunho.

"For what happened." Yunho smirks.

"Don't apologize." Yunho leans forward, his smirk growing. "You should see the other guy." I smile, shaking my head before getting out a medical cleaning pad. "You seem like you've done this before."

I nod my head, "When Jennie used to get into fights I would clean her wounds." I take the pad out of the plastic bag. "I also would clean my wounds when my parents would hurt me." I look up and meet Yunho's eyes.

"Really?" I nod my head again. I move a little closer to Yunho.

"Now this may sting a little." I said to prepare him.

"I can handle it." I shrug my shoulders before dabbing the pad on his chin and his lower lip. He doesn't flinch or make any sounds. I don't question it and continue to clean the dried blood off his chin. His bottom lip is cut and bruised but it isn't that bad. Most of the blood that's on his face doesn't even look like it came from him, but nonetheless I clean it off. 

When I'm finished cleaning the dried blood off his face I take out the ointment to put on his cut lip. After I've put the clear substance on his lip I put the bottle back in the box. I look back at Yunho who is lightly touching his lip. "All done." Yunho stops what he is doing and looks at me.

"Thank you princess." I lightly blush while looking down at my hands.

"Y-you're welcome." I whispered.

"Princess?" I hum in response. "Look at me." His voice is soft and low but has a hint of dominance. I look up at him, my cheeks heating up more. He raises his large hand to my face before settling it on my cheek. He mumbles something under his breath and before I can even form a sentence that questions him on what he said he pulls me forwards his lips attaching to mine.

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