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Yeona's POV

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Yeona's POV

Its been about a week since Wooyoung agreed to go to prom with me. And me and Minji are currently sitting in my room talking about it. "Girl, I can't believe you asked him." Don't worry I can't believe it either.

"It just kind of happened."

"Well I'm glad it happened," Minji leans over to grab my hands that are knotted together. "Yeona you need to start living your life. You can't stay cooped up here waiting for Yunho to possibly come back. And honestly I wish he would because I know you love him and love like that doesn't just disappear over night. But we don't know if he'll come back or not." Minji takes a breath. "Although Wooyoung is here and he's willing to stay beside you, and he treats you like a princess. So I think it'll be better to have someone who is willing to stay beside you. No matter the reason." Minji's words stick to me, she's right but the letter Yunho gave me pops up in my brain.

"I need to show you something." I lean over and reach into the night stand that beside the bed. When I open the drawer I grab the white piece of paper. Once its in my hands I close the drawer. I then look at Minji whos watching me very carefully. "I haven't shown anyone this, because it was hope for me. And I just can't get rid of it." I hand the note over to Minji. When she unfold the paper her eyes grow wide.

"Oh Yeona." When she's done reading the letter she places it down and grabs my hands. A sigh leaves my lips. "I honestly don't know what to say."

A small smile takes root on my face, "Its okay, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted to show you it." Minji brings me close to her and I soon find myself in her embrace. As seconds pass I start to feel something cold and wet on my shoulder. I pull away from Minji to see her crying. "Oh, Minji why are you crying?" Minji whips her face.

"I'm not crying." She sniffles. A chuckle falls from lips, as I shake my head at the female. I pat the females shoulder as she collects herself.

Yunho's POV

I take the last swig of my drink before asking the bartender to refill mu drink. A plus side of being demonic I can hold my liquor. "Girl problems?" With my brows furrowed I look up at the bartender. The male has chocolate skin, brown eyes, and curly hair that's tied in a bun.

"Eh, not really." I answer.

"Lier." I clench my jaw when the thing that imposes as Yeona shows itself.

"Well do you wanna talk about it?" I shake my head, why do bartenders think their some type of therapist?

"Humans can't handle my problems." The bartender begins to try to question me but someone takes the seat to my left.

"What can I get you today sir?"

"Nothing." That voice, I look over to my left to see Wooyoung sitting next to me. He looks back at me, "You don't look so good."

"What are doing here?" I ask the angel.

"I've been searching for you. I figured you'd show up here one day." I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"And why's that?"

"I'm shooting my shot with Yeona." And just like that my whole attention is on the angel beside me. I try to show that I don't care, and I think I succeed until what he says next. "She's agreed to erase her memories." His words hit me hard.

"Lier!" I close my eyes to take a deep breath but the entity that looks like Yeona continues. "He's lying, Yunho don't listen to him. He's going to do it without her permission. Can't you sense the lie?" I open my eyes, I really don't trust this entity but I know Yeona she's strong. She wouldn't erase her memories, right?

"Wooyoung," I look up at the angel who has a smug look on his face. "never mind. I would like to be alone."

The angel shrugs his shoulders, "Okay, I just wanted to let you know." That's when the anger hits me, is he telling me because he wants me to be jealous? I though angels were supposed to be pure.

I stand up and I'm face to face with Wooyoung. The anger inside me raises with each second that passes. "I swear Jung Wooyoung, if I find out you are doing this without her actual permission I will-

"You'll what, Yunho? I thought you didn't care. You left remember! I'm helping her while you ran and hide with your tail tucked in-between your legs! But I guess that's what you're good at!" I ball up my fist as my heart pounds in my chest.

"Go away!" I growl. Wooyoung smirks as he nods his head.

"Maybe you should have fought better." With that Wooyoung leaves. The nerve he has, he's supposed to be an angel. Someone grabs my arm, I look down to see the entity's hand on me.

"You know what you have to do." A sigh falls from my lips.

"It'll probably be really selfish." I whisper. Don't need anyone thinking I'm crazy.

"So?" Yeona places her hand on my chest. "Yunho, love is a powerful thing." I tense up at the word love. There's no way I'm in love, right?

"Wow I feel like I'm in a drama." I snap my head towards the male. "I can tell you'll get the girl." The male flashes me a smile. But I can't help look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Yunho, listen to your heart." Yeona grabs my right hand. A weird sensation shots through my hand which causes me to look down at my hand. When I do a small faint purple ring type thing appears on my pinky finger. My brows crash together, when did this get here? "Its been there for a while, you just didn't want to see it." 

"What is it?" I whisper still looking at my hand.

"You'll find out." When I look up she's gone. A sigh leaves my lips, what could this been? And how long has it been there?

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