First gym Battle

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     "Alright! Today we're going finally beat our first Gym battle!" Roman declared with a fist in the air. Virgil still couldn't understand what he says, but can count on his and Litleo's expressions to interpret what he means

      "Yeah! I can't wait!" Litleo called back

     "Y-Yeah." Virgil called out weakly. Even after that embarrassing outburst of tears yesterday, he still couldn't bring himself to fully trust his new owner so easily. He heard of this instant bond that Pokemon tend to have from the other Pokemon in his village. The Pokemon there had some sort of knowledge of this new world he had stumbled into, even if he did dismiss most of it. Nevertheless, the bond he was supposed to feel was only a pinprick to what he was expecting. Sure he wasn't expecting to be throwing himself into battle at any moment his owner was even a whiff in danger, but he was expecting more. Maybe overtime? Until then, he was going to be wary over even the tiniest twitch from either of the new presences. Or, at least, he tried to.

      Roman picked up Virgil, with some struggle, and started on their journey towards the nearest Gym. Taking out a map he got from the Pokecenter, he looked for said Gym. Luckily it was only a route over.

     "Let's go!"

     "Yeah" Confused about yet another conversation, Virgil mulled over learning the human tongue. Maybe later. Virgil took a deep breath before preparing himself for a long journey.


     It took a lot longer than he ever thought it would be. Roman decided to strengthen his team so he could be prepared for whatever the big bad Gym could throw at them. Luckily Virgil was left out of most of it, but those he did participate in had him absolutely exhausted. But nothing a good old berry can't fix up. Was this trainer also new to this world? Great.

     After a long while of jogging and Pokemon battles between either random Pokemon or children who thought just because they caught your eye that you wanted to battle, they made it to the town that held the Gym. This town wasn't what they thought it to be. First off, people were battling everywhere. There wasn't a single battlefield that wasn't filled with a long line of people waiting their turn. Second, everyone had at least one fighting type Pokemon in their team, but that probably wasn't very significant.

     It seemed Roman had the same worries. Roman, with Virgil mostly relaxed in his arms and Litleo hanging off his shoulders, searched for someone who wasn't battling their hearts out to ask for information. It took awhile, but the group eventually found someone.

     "Excuse me! May you tell us what's going on?" Roman called out to the person.

     "Eh? A trainer? I'm guessing you're new around here?"

     "Yes sir! We came here for the Gym, but this situation is peculiar, I've never seen anything like this." Roman explained while gesturing to the battlefields that seemed to be on every block.

     "Ah! I see. Well, usually I don't give any information for free, but since you are new here, I'll let it slip." Roman gave a happy nod, urging him to continue. "I guess I should start with how things work around here. If you haven't noticed, this town is heavily into fighting, this is Bellona's town after all."

     "Bellona?" Roman was sure he heard that name somewhere, but where?

     "Bellona is the Gym leader." Oh. "Anyway, everyone here fights over everything possible, whether it be over who pays for food or a simple disagreement. How you want to resolve it is up to you, as long as both competitors agree. Although this type of battling only really exists here or any natives that used to live here. Maybe other areas have different ways of living on this island." The man nods to himself while rubbing his chin in thought. "Wow, I never thought different areas had different rules!" Roman exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

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