The Cliff(hanger)

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     Everything was going great! No really it was! Well... there was one slight problem...

     "I KNEW COMING WITH YOU WAS A MISTAKE!" Logan screamed over the sound of very loud buzzing.

     "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?" Roman screeched back. Virgil opted not listening to any of their babbling and running like his life depended on it, maybe it did. Litleo and his new buddy, Abra, had turned this inconvenience into a game to see who could run (or float ig) the fastest. They were going neck and neck so far.

     What were they running from you may ask? Oh, just a swarm of Beedrill, nothing too serious. Except that Roman and the gang had accidently wandered too close to their nest and aggravated them. 

     "You know what?" Roman mumbled angrily under his breath. "EEVEE!" Virgil twitched his ears in response. Roman, without even slowing down, pointed his finger at the swarm and called out. "USE SWIFT!" Virgil immediately jumped in the air, turned and wagged his tail, summoning stars to use. Willing them forward, the stars dashed towards the swarm and hit them, causing the fallen to crash to the ground and kick up dust. The group slowed to a stop, studying the dust and resting in case they needed to run, making sure all the Beedrill were actually down.

     Once the dust settled, it revealed significantly less Beedrill, but the few that were up were furious, red eyes and all. Feeling shivers shoot down his spine, Roman decided now to be the best time to take off. Scooping Litleo and seeing Virgil already running farther up, Roman ran as fast as he could away from the furious Beedrill. Logan huffed before trying to catch up, making sure his Abra kept up as well.

     "Attacking a swarm of Beedrill is never a good idea Roman!" Logan shouted towards Roman, who scoffed before retorting angrily.

     "Well, how am I supposed to know that? I saw a problem and tried to solve it!" Logan rolled his eyes. "Let's head into the forest! Who knows, maybe we can lose them?" 

     "What are you talking about? I'm not risking bumping into yet another Beedrill, maybe even Combee, nest or getting lost!" Logan was really starting to regret agreeing to come with this... this... moron!

     "Well, you do you but I'm heading in!" Roman shouted back before turning towards the forest. Virgil looked dumbfounded before shaking his head and following his lead. Logan groaned before following as well. Roman, with a startled Litleo in his arms, started weaving through the trees and branches in an attempt to lose the Beedrill that followed him in. He did, eventually, lose them.

     He heard something behind him that didn't sound like the buzzing of Beedrill and went to look. He was pleasantly surprised to see Virgil trying his best not to lose him in this maze of a forest. Roman saw Logan with his Abra trailing not too far behind. With newfound courage, Roman started to run faster. Wait, faster? Whatever. Virgil, shocked to no end, started to speed up in an attempt to catch up. He ended up using Quick Attack to go faster, even if he did get smacked by dozens of branches as he went. He eventually caught up and clung as tight as he could to his shoulder, all the while shouting his complaints, not caring if Roman could understand him.

     Poor Logan was severely left behind. He never knew this much running was part of being a trainer! He would've used Abra to catch up, but his Abra wasn't very trained in using his teleporting skills. Anytime they tried they ended up either on the other side of the island or lost in a forest. Logan tried his best to ignore the pain in his legs and prayed Roman would stop to rest soon. And his prayers were answered. Roman did eventually stop, BY A CLIFF.

     Roman slowed near the edge and looked at the horizon. Virgil hopped off his shoulder, fearing he would fall off and walked towards Logans approaching figure. Logan made it to where Roman was and yanked Roman away.

     "Are you insane? Going near the edge of a steep cliff that could break away at any moment is very dangerous. You should be mo-"

     Before he could finish that sentence, the ground beneath them started to sag from all the weight on it. Virgil started to freak out and cling to the nearest person, who just so happened to be Logan. Litleo, not wanting to lose his bestie, lunged from Romans arms, and tackled him down from where he was hovering. Before the ledge could completely collapse, Roman snatched up Litleo, in turn grabbing Abra, and was about to go for Logan when the ground gave away. causing the group to fall two opposite ways. Logan and Virgil falling one way and Roman, Litleo and Abra the other way.

     Who should we follow? Roman with Litleo and Abra? Or Logan with Virgil? Hmm.


     Hey! This chapter is definitely shorter than usual, but this is setting up the other two that I'm going to write! Which chapter should I start with? It won't affect anything but would help me choose. Anyways, I've been thinking of starting a different book that shows the characters backstories. Only the main ones that has been revealed, though that might spoil the book if people haven't read this one first so I might not ( -_-). Maybe if people request them then it would be a special chapter I put in. Just an idea! Any constructive criticism or questions you might have, now would be the best place to put them! Until next chapter!


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