Logan's travels

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     Logan and Virgil were sent tumbling down the steep cliff, bumping into big rocks and stray bushes along the way. Logan brought his arms up to try to protect his head and neck while Virgil just clung tighter to Logan's leg in desperation and fear. By the time they finally hit the bottom, they were both covered in bruises and gashes from head to toe. They both took a moment to process they actually survived before sitting up with a grimace.

     Virgil's ear twitched, having heard Roman somewhere nearby. Scrambling up as fast as he could, Virgil listened for any other signs of Roman. He looked frantically for him before finally approaching a huge boulder that was stuck between the cliff and a flowing river. Logan limped over, having harshly bumped it in the fall, though it didn't feel broken as he could move his foot.

     "Roman?! Are you there?" Logan shouted, hoping for a response. After some shuffling from the other side, he heard Roman's voice.

     "Yeah! I'm here! Are you all right?" Breathing a sigh of relief, Virgil looked for any ways around the boulder.

     "We are okay! Eevee and I are a bit injured, but it can be fixed. What about you?"

     "I might have a broken arm, but we'll get it healed up once we get out of here!"

     "Just wrap it up the best you can with the cleanest cloth you have and stay off of it until you get to a hospital! We'll try our best to get out of the forest and to our designated location so don't worry about us!" Logan looked around for Virgil and found him scratching at the boulder. "Come on Eevee, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can meet back up with Roman." Virgil wasn't caring for whatever garbage spewing out of Logan's mouth and focused on getting over the giant rock.

     Sighing, Logan grabbed Virgil under the arms and started his quest out the forest, Virgil squirming under his hold the whole time. Eventually he got tired of struggling and bit Logan on the arm. With a hiss of pain, Logan dropped the angered Eevee. Virgil huffed before walking ahead as if nothing happened. Logan growled in annoyance before continuing as well.

     It was a relatively peaceful walk for the most part. Virgil would wander off at times, Logan nudging him back on track, Pokemon would come to either walk with them or blatantly attack them. Virgil hated it when that happened. They kept on walking, and  walking, and walking, and walking, until! They stumbled upon a house. Virgil was wary of the house, but Logan seemed relatively happy, because he hurried up the steps and rung the bell! The tired Eevee hesitantly climbed up the steps and joined in the waiting game.

     A couple seconds later, a young woman answered the door.

     "Hello ma'am. We were wondering if you could give us directions to the nearest town?" The woman looked the boy over before nodding.

     "Alright, but only if you help me with something." Logan nodded. "My son went into the forest with his Pokemon an hour ago and I was about to search for him myself. If you can find him, I'll give you directions to the next town. Got it?"

     "Yes ma'am, which direction did he go?"

     "Just west of here."

     "Thank you, we shall get your son back soon."

     "Counting on it." The lady closed the door and Logan turned to the forest. Virgil was confused, why didn't they just go in the house? He grumbled before begrudgingly following Logan. In we go I guess.

     Logan called for the boy while walking through another part of the forest. Virgil was about to turn around and head back to the house when they heard a cry. They ran towards the sound to see the boy they were searching for on the ground in front of... No... It can't be...These people were the people that raided Virgil's village! Or at least looked like them.

An Eevee's QuestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ