Altea Rey Elrod (Gluttony Sin)

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23 years old





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Quote:"Underestimate me

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"Underestimate me. That'll be fun."
"There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weal to seek it."
"Gluttony kills more than the sword; Wine has drowned more than the sea."

Alternate Dimension- Gives the user the ability to see the past, present, and future withing her range of sight. 

Consumption: allows the user to forcefully retrieve any memory/information from a targets mind by shoving her fingers inside their skulls almost as she is extracting it from the source it self. Giving the effect of memory loss to the target being used.


Sliver/Gold Halberd

Sliver/Gold Halberd

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Altea had a very similar start to almost all the sin vessels, being taken away by NATO when she was young. She was experimented on, pushing her body to her limits until she almost gave out. After many years and going through potential vessels, her body had almost a complete match for a symbiotic relationship with one of the deadly sins which was gluttony. Once her transfusion had been compelted the the symbiotic relationship had been secured, she was put into solitary confinment for a couple of years to excersise her capabilities of masking the sin in which she had succeeded in a way. Altea essentially embodies the gluttony sin, almost making it impossible to tell the difference between the sin and her human self but still having complete control over the sin inside her.

With being so successful she had been sent out on rather discreet missions of NATO, her role being gathering information of their hostages. Being rather on the sadistic sides on things, when she was to interrogate or gather information from anyone, it ends up very gory, bloody and the person dead in most scenarios. Her hungry for knowledge is so overwhelming that she usually turns to violent and drastic measures to obtain it. 

With one of her abilities to be able to see the past, present, and future. She is rather reliable when it comes to the battle field on missions. Using her halberd, she is able to swiftly get missions done quickly as she can easily dodge attacks, or events that are to come in the future in her location withing her range of sight. 

Altea worked alongisde many of the NATO soldiers and occansionally with other sin vessels like Pride or Sloth when it came to rather larger missions. But she was never allowed to interact with Nalia, the vessel of wrath due to Nalia being unstable with her sin regarding fronts. Being very loyal towards NATO, she would put her life in the line for the goal of NATO to be accomplished. 

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