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"When you connect to the silence within you, that's when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you."

↳ General Information

⇝ Name: Odelia
⇝ Last Name: ///
⇝ Alias: ///
⇝ Gender: Female
⇝ Age: 621 years old (21 years old)
⇝ Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight)
⇝ Species: Spirit

↳ Personal Information

⇝ Kingdom: Enchanted Forest
⇝ Powers: Odelia has the abilities to heal any entity, whether it being a living being or plants. She also has the ability to take and bring life to any entity, also brining light at the lands. Odelia has many other powers that she has yet to discover herself, since she still is trying to find out who she really is.
⇝ Relationship: Single
⇝ Status: The Lost Princess of the Enchanted Forest, the central and balance of all enchanted spirits.
⇝ Family: None

↳ Appearance

⇝ Odelia has beautiful fair skin that complements her white hair and glowing golden eyes. Her body covered in markings, most significant and well known marking on her body is the gem on her forehead which represents her 'third eye' for the Enchanted Forest. Alongside, she has two glowing gems in her back that was given to her by the other spirits of the forest when she was born. Other markings on her body that was given to her from passing spirits.

Wearing forest themed clothing, she wears a beautiful white silk clothing that was given to her from other spirits

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Wearing forest themed clothing, she wears a beautiful white silk clothing that was given to her from other spirits. Wrist gear and on her ankles. Without no shoes, Odelia walked around barefoot wherever she goes.

↳ Preferences

⇝ Likes: Odelia loves to learn about new things, whether it being in the Enchanted Forest or outside the barriers into the mortal realms. Odelia didn't really have people to talk to other than some passing by spirits so she liked to go around and adventure around the forest to get a better understanding of it. Odelia also has a fascination with humans and other living beings, she has read tons of books about them.
⇝ Dislikes: Odelia dislikes being restricted from what she wants to do. People getting on her nerves. The forest being hurt or anything living getting hurt from outsiders. Not understanding something, whether it being about her or other things.

↳ Skills

⇝ Magic: Excellent (main strength)
⇝ Swordsmanship: Not so great (doesn't have that much muscle strength)
⇝ Healing: Superior (one of her main abilities)

↳ Backstory

⇝ Odelia was born on May 3rd, 1398. She was born into this world by all the spirits essence gathering together to form her. The spirits were given the gift of the gods to create a being that holds the power of the golden/yellow chakra. Having the chakra in her body. (the gems in her back in the picture above) Gave her the unique golden blood and the powers she has now.

With that, she was born. She was raised by the four main elemental spirits: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Throughout her growing up, she was told to never leave the borders of the Enchanted Forest, that her job is to keep peace and balance throughout all spirits of the forest. That without her, everything would go into chaos. So she listened to them while she was growing up, obeying all the strict rules, being the perfect spirit anyone could ever ask for.

Until one day, she got curious. What lies outside the borders of the Enchanted Forest. Was it total chaos?.. Did it resemble what she had read of hell? Letting the curiosity get the best of her, Odelia snuck past the spirits and the rock giants and ran off through the woods. She knew exactly where it was and how to get there, so she went as fast as her legs could take her. When she made it the border, she could see the barrier that his the Enchanted Forest from the mortal realm. Taking a deep breath, she took a step forwards and went through the barrier and exited the forest.

Her bare feet touching this new land felt so different yet so exciting. It looked nothing like the Enchanted Forest, it looked dull since there was a huge lack of magical sense in the air. But she didn't mind it. Odelia wandered around the forest, exploring this new territory she always wanted to see. She spent hours out there until she ran into a young man. Automatically clicking, the man was curious on who this female was. They decided to stick with each other for a few. Odelia never met a human before so it was rather exciting to be able to even talk to a mortal before.

They would meet up everyday the more they saw each other. Odelia would leave at night to see him and come back to the Enchanted Forest before the sun rose. It was a daily thing that happened, to a point where they slowly started to fall in love with each other. It was never heard of.. of a spirit and a mortal being together. The mortal's absence during the night was off to his piers, to a point where the mortal's village started to get suspicious on where he was going. So one day, when Odelia went to see him again, he was there. They spent a while talking and being with each other, a couple of men saw Odelia and came up with a plan to kill her when she came. They readied their arrow and aimed it at her while she was with the mortal. But the mortal felt like they were being watched from afar, scanning their surroundings, he spotted them and his eyes widened. "Watch out!" He yelled and got in front of Odelia when the arrow was shot from the bow.

Threw arrows flying in the air and striking the mortal in the chest, hitting his vitals. Odelia couldnt believe what just happened, she let out a blood curling scream and fell down to his side as she placed a hand on his chest only to have her hand covered in his blood. "No no no no no! You can't die on me like this!" She screams and got up, grabbing him by under his arms and started to drag him away. She couldn't bring him to his village, they'll just end up killing her if she did. So the only thing she thought of was brining him to the Enchanted Forest where it was guaranteed that he would be alright.

Feeling like it was an eternity, she finally made it to the borders of the Enchanted Forest, dragging him behind her. Odelia made it inside the barrier but the mort couldn't come inside. "Let him inside! He's going to die!" Odelia cried out, tears streaming down her face and she begged the forest to let him inside. The only reason why he couldn't wanted was because he was human, he didn't belong in the forest. "Please!!" Odelia screamed on the top of her lungs. Desperate to get him through the barriers. "Odelia.." His faint voice spoke to her. Odelia was hyperventilating, freaking out. She looked down at him and went to his side. "You're going to be okay! Just hold on a little longer please!" She begged and cried as she looked at his pained face. He reached out a places a hand on her cheek and gently caressed it. "Don't cry.. you know i'll always be there with you.." He said and gave her a smile before groaning, having it hard to breath. His heart beat started to slow down and Odelia started to panic. "Please don't leave me!" She said and held his hand and watched her lover take her last breath and close his eyes.  "No!" She cried out. "God please no! Come back to me!" She screamed and held his head in her arms and cried out.

The elemental spirits coming to her side and comforting her. Trying to get her away from his body so they can properly give him a passing. Reaching out, Odelia took the jacket that he would always wear for her and kept it.

After that day, Odelia never stepped foot outside the forests barrier. Afraid of experiencing what she had gone through with the mortal all over again. The spirits were right, outside the barriers was just a living nightmare...

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