𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭: 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀

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"Jaeden, put the donut down and let's go." Jaeden's blue eyes looked up from the phone he was on and towards the strawberry blonde sitting across from him.

"Are you sure you can't just leave without me? I don't think I want to go home.. It's too good!" Jaeden said, taking another bite the donut he had on his plate.

Lydia groaned. She's been here for nearly twenty minutes and has seen Jaeden go to the front counter, order a donut, eat it, and repeat that same process maybe about four times now.

"No! You think I drove an hour from Beacon hills to this airport just to turn around because you're obsessed with Dunkin' Donuts??" Lydia exclaimed. Jaeden rolled his eyes, finishing up what unfortunately seemed to be his final donut of the night.

"You know, this is my first time having Dunkin' Donuts. There weren't any nearby when I was staying with my aunt." Jaeden hummed before responding: "Well that's great, hopefully you had a great time because it is time to go! Allison has been waiting in the car for the past half-hour!" Lydia then grabbed onto Jaden's arm and began to drag him out of the store that was part of the Airport. Jaden let out a yelp of shock as he swiftly picked up his iced drink and began walking toward the exit.

As they made their way towards Lydia's car, the sun was setting. It was nearly 8:00pm and the end of summer. Just as they were reaching it, Allison jumped out of the car, running towards Jaeden and embracing him in a hug.

"Hi Jaeden! It is so nice to finally meet you!" Allison said. Jaeden video-chatted her tons of times within the past few months and they've made quite the bond. Him, Lydia and Allison even have a group chat titled The Unholy Trinity.

"Nice to meet you as well, Ally." Jaeden said, a smile forming on his pink lips. After their greetings, the trio got inside of Lydia's car. Lydia driving, Allison in the passenger seat with Jaeden in the back.

The three conversed throughout the ride. Some of their conversations though were strained as Jaeden noticed the two girls in front often cutting themselves off, almost as if they were hiding something. Eventually, Allison & Lydia began their girl talk, causing Jaeden to zone out and just become entranced on his phone. He texted his mother, telling her that he was now in Beaconhills and would be home soon.

A few text messages and random app games later, Jaeden shut off his phone, noticing it was on just 7% in order to salvage the battery. He looked back up to see that they were at a red light. He sighed and opened his mouth, asking a question to the two girls. "So who's Scott and 'Stiles' is it? Is that a person? A thing?" Jaeden asked, making air quotes when he said the word 'Stiles.' He heard their names come up quite a few times in the conversation they were having and he was curious. "You know them, remember? I used to call them Creepy Stalker Kid and his Asthmatic friend?" Lydia watched in the rear view mirror as Jaeden nodded his head at this. "Ohhh yeah, I remember them. I don't know how I could forget, I was literally partnered with Stiles in just about every science project ever since we were table partners. I actually got along pretty well with him for the most part. As long as he wasn't talking about Star Wars."

Both girls in the car nodded their head in agreement with the Star Wars comment. "Well yeah, that's them. Except now, the creepy stalker kid is actually pretty sweet and his friend is no longer Asthmatic." Jaeden hummed in confusion about that last fact.

"How do you just become 'no longer asthmatic?' Is that even possible?" Lydia's eyes bulged and Allison's head whipped toward her, mentally scolding her for slipping up. Before Jaeden could press further though, a blue Jeep pulled up at the red light beside them.

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